Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Sunday, April 29, 2007
29-4-2007 讀報
7:48 AM 0 comments
web hit:未來5大賺錢好工 2007-04-29 蘋果日報 A20, 網上世界
卡式80年代沙灘飛愛炸機 2007-04-29 東方日報 E03, 副刊
陶傑:港人愛看工具書 2007-04-29 明報 A09, 港聞
商務嫌貴租撤出星光行 2007-04-29 明報 A09, 港聞, 特稿, 何嘉敏
Johnny's 水果展 2007-04-29 明報 P13, 瀛男圖鑒, 健吾
老頭的夕陽美學 2007-04-29 明報 P12, 日偽流民, 亂步雜踏, 湯禎兆
Slide Show: March's Best-Sellers May 7, 2007, Business Week
Deportation order April 28th 2007, The Economist, Silicon Valley
Follow this road map to creativity 4/22/07, US News and World Report, Kimberly Palmer
The Big Idea May 2007, Business 2.0, Vol.8, Iss. 4; pg. 20, Michal Lev-Ram ←The Contrarian!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
23/28-4-2007 讀報
2:11 PM 2 comments
I could only get my notebook back by thursday.
V for Vendetta
Steve Moore / Publisher: Pocket Star; Pocket Star Books Pbk. Ed edition (January 31, 2006)
Playstation之父變相炒魷 2007-04-28 東方日報 A38, 國際
拯救地球 Green Billionaires 2007-04-27 香港經濟日報 A45, 行政人員, 丹妮絲
鴻海集團 白手創業到身家430 億 2007-04-26 明報 A32, 中國
甘國亮:我是馬思特 I am a Master 2007-04-26 香港經濟日報 C05, 專題, 蕭曉華
Lipton藉HIRAMEKI引爆靈感 2007-04-26 香港經濟日報 A67, 企業管理, 潮流大賣場, 劉奇明
向淡馬錫學投資 2007-04-26 信報財經新聞 P29, 理財投資, 基金人語, 龐寶林
音樂理想無添加 2007-04-25 信報財經新聞 P33, 副刊, 面對面, 鄭天儀
日本「麥記難民」長住麥當勞 2007-04-24 蘋果日報 A27, 國際新聞
英女秘撈試性玩具 2007-04-25 蘋果日報 A22, 世界萬象
Welcome back. :)
V for Vendetta! is it book or movie? in our society, lack of Hero! Vendetta!!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
22-4-2007 讀報
9:36 AM 5 comments
新紮師兄發現創意工業 2007-04-22 明報 A06, 香港2007, 蔡惠華
側田電視真人騷起革命 2007-04-22 蘋果日報 B03, 金錢要理, 矽谷手記, 阿股
十博士大戰于丹 2007-04-22 蘋果日報 E08, 名采論壇, 牛棚讀書記, 梁文道(牛棚書院院長)
My notebook at home broken, no update til I repaired it.
How come? I read your blog everyday. It is my habit. Anyway, hope you come back soon. :)
I will take the notebook to repair tonite.
Hope it will not die, otherwise I will go bankrupt for a new one.
Never can imagine my life without computer and internet...
Hi Jenny, nice to meet you!
I could only get my notebook back by Monday...
By then could I know whether it is repairable.
That means I could be totally broken....
WTF x 1000
Thursday, April 19, 2007
18/21-4-2007 讀報
9:55 PM 0 comments
The Greed Merchants: How the Investment Banks Played the Free Market Game
Philip Augar / Publisher: Portfolio Hardcover (April 25, 2005) (8 days)
甘偉培、林展明 / 2006年11月 / 博顥
Inside the House of Money: Top Hedge Fund Traders on Profiting in the Global Markets
Steven Drobny / Publisher: Wiley (April 21, 2006)
It takes me 3 hours to read all those 2000+ articles stacked in these few days.
25歲CEO 創業神童進攻國際 2632 2007-04-19 香港經濟日報 A45, 行政人員, 陳沛芬、伍狄奇
28歲音樂人建網絡行銷王國 2007-04-21, 東方日報, A28, 國際, 人物誌
200萬聘總裁 酒量需一斤 2007-04-21, 文匯報, A31, 神州大地
食肆慳水器 減耗五成 2007-04-21, 東方日報, A06, 探射燈
大塚之女郎: 藍白廣告搶住做一拍即紅 2007-04-21, 蘋果日報, E12, One fine day
沙巴 住民宿救貧窮 馬來西亞 Community Based Tourism 2007-04-21, 香港經濟日報, C08, 大遊行, 劉健雄
最大發明展 火箭人搶鏡 2007-04-20, 明報, A34, 國際
供求律和止蝕盤 2007-04-20, 信報財經新聞, P48, 時事評論, 林行止專欄, 林行止
太興矮仔抄得有計 2007-04-19, 壹週刊, A082, 財經, 一個人在商場
溝鬼妹的中國社會學 2007-04-19, 壹週刊, A140, 專欄, 坐看雲起時, 陶傑
港大首位女畢業生 何艾齡離世2007-04-19, 星島日報, F02, 大學版, 學府風, 袁效仁
Being Hired! - A convenient and simple job search engine that is written by myself, feel free to download all the code and improve by yourself.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
17-4-2007 讀報
8:45 PM 2 comments
後生怕買樓 2007-04-17, 明報, A12,A13, 回歸十年, 何裕恒
讀書造命 2007-04-17, 香港經濟日報, C15, 心情, 六合飛翔, 岑逸飛
Google連連收購鞏固地位 2007-04-17, 信報財經新聞, P41, 副刊, 解碼, 狄高
時事點睇?! 2007-04-17, 都市日報, P34, 副刊, 兵器譜, 梁文道、邵家臻
欠會費爭議掀出學聯財政混亂 2007-04-17, 星島日報, F02, 大學版, 學府風, 袁效仁
ONJ:「我比從前堅強」 2007-04-17, 信報財經新聞, P41, 副刊, 面對面, 鄭天儀
Monday, April 16, 2007
16-4-2007 讀報
8:55 PM 0 comments
離場策略與企業質素 2007-04-16 蘋果日報 B16, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
快餐店反攻美國 2007-04-16 星島日報 E08, 花樣, 此君曰, 馮禮慈
台灣大企業弊案頻傳的危機意義 2007-04-16 明報 A10, 港聞, 筆陣, 南方朔
支志明:要成功須專心一志 2007-04-16 新報 A08, 政情
手機迫死蜜蜂 危及人類存亡 2007-04-16 am730 M01, 港聞, 頭條
Sunday, April 15, 2007
13/15-4-2007 讀報
9:09 AM 0 comments
Making Sense: Philosophy Behind the Headlines
Julian Baggini / Publisher: Oxford Paperbacks (30 Sep 2003)
The Pig That Wants to Be Eaten: And Ninety Nine Other Thought Experiments
Julian Baggini / Publisher: Granta Books (7 Jul 2005)
好書推介:從故事學財務理論 2007-04-15 蘋果日報 B04, 金錢要理, 好書推介, 麥萃才
對女人失去興趣 2007-04-15 明報 P15, 時代, 極度大男人, 阿寬
鈦網植胸永保堅挺 2007-04-15 太陽報 A23, 國際
研究日本研究的一次乏力對話 2007-04-15 明報 P04,P05, 中日關係, 健吾 張彧暋
小田切牛B 2007-04-15 明報 P14, 瀛男圖鑒, 健吾
選擇成長股 大師傳心法 2007-04-14 香港經濟日報 B19, 投資, 初哥學投資
男女合用 2007-04-14 香港經濟日報 C05, 書報攤, 竇俊
Tech's Biggest IPOs: Where Are They Now? 04.23.07, Forbe , On The Cover/Top Stories
Thursday, April 12, 2007
12-4-2007 讀報
6:36 PM 1 comments
香港出版業的悲哀 2007-04-12 都市日報 P35, 副刊, 讀者來信, 阿靜
潦倒作者憑《與神對話》翻生 2007-04-12 星島日報 D08, 外娛
溝鬼妹的哲學 2007-04-12 壹週刊 A140, 專欄, 坐看雲起時, 陶傑
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
3/11-4-2007 讀報
9:04 PM 0 comments
Yo~ I am back!
The Greed Merchants: How the Investment Banks Played the Free Market Game
Philip Augar / Publisher: Portfolio Hardcover (April 25, 2005)
Tools for Success: A Manager's Guide (Tools for Success)
Suzanne Turner / Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. (31 Aug 2003)
Liar's Poker: Rising Through the Wreckage on Wall Street
Michael Lewis / Publisher: Penguin (Non-Classics) (October 1, 1990)
逆境中不忘老爹責任《尋找快樂的故事》透視做父母艱難 2007-04-11 星島日報 F01, 教育, 家長八達通, Elsie陳
電玩王 CEO 2007-04-11 香港經濟日報 A64, 企業管理, 企業大國手, 陳淑儀
華懋非凡基業如心非凡經歷 2007-04-05 蘋果日報 A04, 頭條, 利字當頭new, 利世民
投資並無肯定獲利之道 2007-04-04 信報財經新聞 P16, 時事評論, 林行止專欄, 林行止
逆水行舟難逆市而行更難 2007-04-03 信報財經新聞 P13, 時事評論, 林行止專欄, 林行止
「狂犬」石原不敗之謎 2007-04-09 東方日報 A23, 國際, 世界視線, 李集慧
從橫濱別戀到東京銀座李蕙敏 2007-04-05 壹週刊 B056, 娛樂名人, 豪語錄
全球銀行業八大新趨勢 2007-04-03 信報財經新聞 P30, 經濟.企管, Stefano Visalli、Felix Wenger
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Japan Trip
5:34 PM 1 comments
I will not be in HK from 5-9 Apr.
Monday, April 02, 2007
2-4-2006 讀報
8:43 PM 3 comments
被世界改變之後 2007-04-02 明報 D06, 世紀 人文.關懷.視野, 世紀.我的十年, 少爺占
影碟租賃店15萬做老闆 趕絕盜版 租碟好過買 2007-04-02 香港經濟日報 A14, 商業, 馮穎欣
評論員亂拋書包--談「M型社會」的真意義 2007-04-02 蘋果日報 A18, 論壇, 李兆富
蘇澤光辭職內情 與李澤楷分手 2007-04-02 投資理財 016-017, 財經拆局, 陸世蕙
李嘉誠的另一個世界 2007-04-02 am730 M18,M19, 特寫
方形條碼手機一掃可看片聽歌 2007-04-02 明報 A29, 國際, 網絡點線面
三十「宜」立 2007-04-02 信報財經新聞 P14, 時事評論, 林行止專欄, 林行止
An idea a day:
94. Setup a website like SocialPicks, but only for finanical actors, as an online platform for their portfolio.
They are already making noises in the media, like newspapers, TVs, so why bother to do so much thing?
Easy. Results speak louder than words, if they could have a $$-generating portfolio, everyone will worship him like a god, no matter how small the potatao is. Remember Ivan? How can he be famous? Of course, the results speak!
You could fool some people some days, but never all people all days. The finanical actors who could win and survive the game could prove that they are the real guru in the market, their advice is treasured by $$ seeking investors, thus popularity flies.
the bar code. see
in japan or UPS, this 2D bar code was used many year ago. the disadvantage is no standard in industry, every company has there own format.
however, since it is an passive, static code. RFID is better. and HP gonna to made a super thin and flexible, paper like RFID. i have saw a demo, a HP pocket PC, with RFID scanner, place on a textbook, and the pocket PC play a movie.
i think this is the future direction. RFID + wireless Internet = future shopping style.
imagine that when you are window shopping, or find some interesting posters. you like the product, than you take your RFID scanner (already installed in your phone.) DU. than you can see more about the product info, and buy it. the potential product can be anything, from CD, to a ticket of Madonna!!
for the idea today, SocialPicks.
i really wonder. for a market quite rely on information, like financial market, can we build a website to test who is guru??
but for information inactive market, like cell phone, restaurant. it is fine.
may be you are right, only show their portfolio, no advise, nothing more. however, you know, it is a minority game, if ppl know that someone is making big money, then everyone follow his/her portfolio. Wo, you know what will happen.
the real market is complicate as you can see. high information sensity + minority game = keep everything in secret!
if you really realized this idea, no good portfolio will show up, coz no professioner will show their protfolio.
i really what to see someone who make the web, to check my point of view.
Of course, for people who are making real $$ will not tell you their secret, like those fund manager will only tell their expensive customer, rather than tell all to the market.
But what do you think about those finanical actors in HK? Do you think they can really get those insider information? Of course not.
The point here is that, if those actors need popularity, but popularity based on facts.
Nowadays, all actors are always telling bullshit to the crowd, saying something that do no show their stand, you are prove it right on both side of his arguement.
If they could open the portoilo and show to other they could really make the $$$$, then popularity must goes up.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
1-4-2006 讀報
9:27 AM 0 comments
Liar's Poker: Rising Through the Wreckage on Wall Street
Michael Lewis / Publisher: Penguin (October 1, 1990)
The New New Thing : A Silicon Valley Story
Michael Lewis / Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company (October 20, 1999)
創意天王冇答案 2007-04-01 蘋果日報 E08, 名采論壇, 字作廣告電影, 畢明(廣告腦作總監影評人)
不再短視衝出香港 回歸10年百人誌:四兄弟潮玩創神話 不再短視衝出香港 2007-04-01 蘋果日報 A12, 港聞, 回歸10年百人誌
兩岸三地書市﹕迷亂中見曙光 2007-04-01 香港商報 B06, 讀書生活
身邊的惡魔 2007-04-01 讀者文摘 - 中文版 60, 特稿, Gabrielle Bauer