Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
29-4-2007 讀報
8:55 PM 5 comments
Last sunday I eat out with my university classmates, really enjoy chating with them aimlessly and in a super salty way!
性商品店大學登招聘遭拒 2007-05-29 東方日報 A15, 港聞
創意中大生設計校園「八爪魚」隧道 2007-05-29 星島日報 F02, 大學版, 學府風, 袁效仁
性愛公仔 新Look 2007-05-29 新報 F02, 蘭桂坊
年薪114 萬 2007-05-29 明報 D04, 世紀 人文·關懷·視野, 編輯室手記, 劉進圖
林夕與時代同歌 2007-05-29 都市日報 P31, 都市脈搏
Idea a day:
96. Other than the bubble index, the same methodology could be used creatively.
The purpose of these index is to show people quantitatively what the general environment/opinions on certain subjects, at which the index could approximately monitor the change of focus.
One example is to develop a salary index (加薪). For people working in private sector, what means could be more effective than showing your boss the salary index to back up your request?
You could say that there are many regular surveys on salary level in different sector, but the survey could only be quarterly or half yearly, in contrast, the salary index could provide you with an instant, use-any-time way of improving your salary.
Other examples could be of:
1. 北上 index, to monitor the willingness and popularity in spending and playing in China
2. 壓力/幸褔/快樂 index, to show how stressful/joyful HK people are now
3. 六四 index, other than monitor weekly change, numbers could be compared with figures in previous years, like 六四事件, we could quantitively get the sense if the fire is still there.
The sky is the limit...
Tim, can you see that you have made the same mistake in the two lastest entries?
What mistake??
The problem is in the newspaper articles posting section or in the idea a day section?
for the index, if you go to some popular forum, there are vote section, every stipud figure will come out.
may be, you can collect it, sort it.
i have seen thess figure: how long will you sex be?
how long can you hold your shoot, while hitting plane.
It is about numbers.
yaya...It's not Apr now...haha
Yes, there are many opinion voting out there, and it should be effectively reflect the public view if the survey is conducted professionally.
But if considering the authority when comparing newspaper articles and small public votings, which will be more trustful?
Monday, May 28, 2007
28-4-2007 讀報
9:07 PM 3 comments
泡沫無懼 2007-05-28 投資理財 006, 經濟與投資, 石鏡泉 經濟日報副社長兼研究部主管
讀完了 打個電話回家 2007-05-28 信報財經新聞 P33, 副刊, 面對面, 健 吾
浸大生出書分享來港升學經驗 2007-05-28 大公報 A09, 教育
An idea a day:
95. Develop a bubble (泡沫) index, which is a similar indicator to The Economist's Recession index.
The Economist's Recession index keep counting the number of stories in the New York Times and the Washington Post which include the word "Recession", to act as a indicator and reflection on the world's investment environment.
By now, the most hip issue on the topic of economic is surely the "Stock Bubble" appears in HK and China market, although many are anticipitating it, no one could sure when will it comes.
I strongly believe in the wisdom of crowds, if all people believe something will happens, things just happen. As newspapers reflect the general feel and opinions of crowds to some degree, bubble index could surely be an indicator of the climax before bust, whereas near all people expect bubbles about to happens.
My bubble index is calculated as follows:
1. The index number is the number of articles with the word "泡沫" in heading or within the article.
2. The source of articles include all the newspapers and magazines in HK.
3. As a convenient way to count, different newspapers are of equal weighting, HKEJ will not have a heavier impact on the index than Wenweipo.
4. The index could also extent to China, whereas only China newspapers are counted.
5. Count in weekly style, as stock advise and columns are lesser in weekends. The number of newspapers is also lesser as some may not publish in weekends.
The bubble index in HK for the week of 20/26 May is 339.
Below is the index from the week of 25/31 Mar to 20/26 May:
84, 82, 115, 159, 193, 263, 331, 339
The index is increasing gradually from 84 to a max of 339 this week, how amazing!!!
Is there any indication (may be contrarian indication), or it is just a coincide???
Hey hey, your ideas are back!!!
It's really interesting for your findings, although I am not quite agree with this kind of theory.
What if the index is a lagging indicator, instead of a leading one?
Also, like bubble itself, no one could foresee the peak of the bubble index, how could people make use of it to predict the time of busting??
But surely, this is a funny index, creative guy!
Long time no see man.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
27-5-2007 讀報
8:50 AM 0 comments
打工皇后授畢業生上位秘笈 2007-05-27 星島日報 A16, 每日雜誌, 人物誌, 方雅儀
新服務令Amazon衝出困境 2007-05-27 蘋果日報 B03, 金錢要理, 矽谷手記, 阿股
Saturday, May 26, 2007
25/26-5-2007 讀報
8:44 AM 0 comments
《高校男生》 主題清晰界含糊 2007-05-26 星島日報 D11, 娛樂
水底做愛 享受無重性趣 2007-05-26 東方日報 F04, 熱爆日
陸叔的財經飯局 2007-05-25 香港經濟日報 C03, 和你有個飯局, 卓美芝
探針:我都要安樂死! 2007-05-26 蘋果日報 A12, 論壇, 探針, 吳淑義
Business Best-Sellers Silde show June 4, 2007, Business Week, IDEAS -- BOOKS
Japan's latest mobile craze: novels delivered to your handset May 24th 2007, The Economist print edition, Mobile phones, Screen savers
100 Fastest-growing technology companies June 2007, Business 2.0, VOL. 8, NO. 5, FEATURES
Thursday, May 24, 2007
21/24-5-2007 讀報
9:06 AM 0 comments
I am disorientated!
Capital ideas : the improbable origins of modern Wall Street
Peter L. Bernstein./ New York : Free Press, c1992.
New and Finished:
The Psychology of Finance, Revised Edition
Lars Tvede / Publisher: Wiley; 1st edition (May 13, 2002) / 2 days, but cant get any clues of this book
《華爾街》續集登場:凶兆 2007-05-21 信報財經新聞 P28, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
早蹈田大學猛人集中「瀛」 2007-05-24 東方日報 A36, 體育
新一代o靚仔發達路爛做王VS蒲精 2007-05-23 蘋果日報 E06, o靚文化
相識10 年 2007-05-22 明報 D05, 時代, 七齣好戲, 周瑮
國金眺望:哇哈哈──哈哈 2007-05-22 蘋果日報 B18, 財經要聞, 國金眺望, 方卓如
「賺錢之神」 邱永漢 2007-05-21 香港經濟日報 A41, 行政人員, 成功學堂, 郭立新
Sunday, May 20, 2007
20-5-2007 讀報
8:09 AM 1 comments
錢可通著 / 香港 : 錢可通財經出版社, 1998. / 2 days
一個淫審處委員的自白 2007-05-20 明報 P04,P05, 情色.色情, 文師賢
學習新加坡經驗 再現香港輝煌 2007-05-20 成報 A04, 港聞
10秒達高潮自慰器 2007-05-20 文匯報 A11, 國際新聞
從紙板宣傳到3D動畫 回歸10年百人誌廣告女將:內地媒體巨變 2007-05-20 蘋果日報 A15, 港聞, 回歸10年百人誌
話題廣告財源滾滾 2007-05-20 明報 P14, in internet, 下線放小息, 楚
Saturday, May 19, 2007
15/19-5-2007 讀報
7:35 AM 2 comments
It takes me 2.5 hours of reading time!
I always want to restart the "idea a day" campigan, and I still have around 100 ideas in my log book, but time is limited, I would like to read more now than to write.
Hedge Hogging
Barton Biggs / Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc (1 Jan 2006) (7 days)
私募基金掀新信貸泡沫 槓桿併購 銀行過度融資風險大 2007-05-19 香港經濟日報 A16, 國際焦點, 金融大趨勢, 黎卓賢、吳穎文、韓嘉恩、謝媛彰、許懿安
網絡科技獨領風騷 《時代》百人榜 2007-05-18 香港經濟日報 A62, 行政人員, Global Watcher, 黃穎頤
周亦卿談人才、領袖和營商之道 2007-05-18 信報財經新聞 P35, 特稿, 與CEO對話
罐裝拉麵日本熱賣 2007-05-16 東方日報 A33, 國際
環球10大非話音服務商機 2007-05-16 資訊科技周刊 IT3, 封面專題
匿港大廁格裝針孔機 事敗反抗釀3人輕傷 圖拍學生如廁 偷窺狂被擒 2007-05-18 文匯報 A13, 香港新聞
絢燦與平淡 2007-05-19 信報財經新聞 P28, 文化.書評, 中通外直, 詹德隆
退休時富有或貧窮由以下幾點決定 2007-05-18 信報財經新聞 P17, 理財投資, 投資者日記, 曹仁超
變法三步曲 2007-05-18 信報財經新聞 P24, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
學習哈佛 2007-05-17 明報 A06, 港聞, 筆陣, 梁文道
愛在漫天風雨時——再評中大學生報事件 2007-05-15 明報 A33, 論壇, 帥兵精裝君王論, 蔡子強
誰說天鵝一定是白色的? 2007-05-15 信報財經新聞 P28, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
一個文人的死亡王貽興 2007-05-17 壹週刊 B070, 娛樂名人, 豪語錄
Private lines May 17th 2007, The Economist print edition, Retailing
The Best Business Books of All Time? 5/21/07, US News and World Report, Executive Picks, Justin Ewers
"Idea a day"? It sounds great. It also reminds me that I have had similar thoughts before.
It will be great to have you share with us if you can put the idea into practice.
Btw, take care and wish you get well soon. ;)
good post for the economist. try to get global view point!
Monday, May 14, 2007
14-5-2007 讀報
8:54 PM 3 comments
硅谷銀行生意經曾為美國一半創業公司提供過貸款,壞賬率卻只有0.5% 2007-05-14 21世紀經濟報道 21, "硅谷式創業體驗"·系列之二
擁高學歷做散工日租93元設淋浴間 東京「飛特族」以網吧為家 2007-05-14 星島日報 A23, 國際
讓每個香港人 向世界出發 ——訪甘泉航空李卓民伉儷 2007-05-14 文匯報 B13, 營商友導
官商爭打民意牌 政治公關吃香 2007-05-14 香港經濟日報 A10, 新聞特寫, 張少貞、劉德欣
另一角度看對沖基金這盤生意 2007-05-14 信報財經新聞 P28, 理財投資, 金融圈內, 錢志健
金融「財子」+超級跑車=泡沫 2007-05-14 信報財經新聞 P28, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
日飲一罐啤酒保性能力 港大研究權威科學期刊發表 2007-05-14 蘋果日報 A02, 要聞
小教授 大學生 2007-05-14 信報財經新聞 P31, 副刊, 面對面, 健 吾
Hey man~ Shall we go to LKF to drink everyday~ haha
yaya...I always wish to, but these few days I sick like hell and havent recover...
Darn it!
I will resume update on Firday, probably on Saturaday, I really need some sleep!
Sunday, May 13, 2007
13-5-2007 讀報
3:51 PM 2 comments
CookingMama誕生! 2007-05-13 明報 P22, 讀書, 人氣潮流, 張穎
如果情色版事件在港大發生 2007-05-13 明報 P04,P05, 周日話題, 趙來發
男人最厲害武器 2007-05-13 明報 P15, 時代, 極度大男人, 阿寬
Saturday, May 12, 2007
11/12-5-2007 讀報
8:31 AM 0 comments
Fuck, sick again, this time 102.5 C
作者:渡邊仁 / 出版社:小知堂 / 出版日期:2007 年 01 月 15 日 / 2 days
Hedge Hogging
Barton Biggs / Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc (1 Jan 2006)
創投基金高手 教你創業秘訣 2007-05-12 香港經濟日報 A23, 國是港事, 黃雅麗 ←Guy Kawasaki has came to HK!!
社會企業的扶貧策略─成功因素分析及香港核心價值更新 2007-05-11 信報財經新聞 P34, 特稿, 王卓祺
「透明」水煲賣貴5倍 2007-05-11 香港經濟日報 A15, 工貿, 創意產品, 王偉康
俄姊妹花教授後生過學生 2007-05-11 明報 A35, 國際.Fun明
化學系畢業工作難展翅手機留遺言 學非所用浸大女生跳樓死 2007-05-11 太陽報 A02, 港聞
大學生戒遲睡有怪招 2007-05-11 星島日報 F03, 大學版, 學府風, 袁效仁
顏福偉 video - Youtube ←我的偶像!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
10-5-2007 讀報
4:30 PM 0 comments
極速集資創業 How to raise Start-up funds? 2007-05-10 香港經濟日報 A45, 行政人員, 伍狄奇
「古惑天皇」求推翻定罪2007-05-10 成報 A08, 港聞
日本機睇廣告可獲贈飲 2007-05-10 蘋果日報 A29, 網上世界
600億美元買什麼? 2007-05-10 信報財經新聞 P28, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
8/9-5-2007 讀報
9:04 PM 1 comments
錢可通著 / 香港 : 錢可通財經出版社, 1998.
作者:渡邊仁 / 出版社:小知堂 / 出版日期:2007 年 01 月 15 日
政務官培訓傳統經得起考驗 2007-05-09 文匯報 A21, 文匯論壇, 藍天說地, 藍鴻震
新興一族網吧住客 2007-05-09 大公報 A22, 世界新潮
撰寫一份出色的計劃書 2007-05-08 信報財經新聞 P32, 經濟.企管, 經管錦言, 莫冠業
惠州 2007-05-08 蘋果日報 E11, 名采論壇, 草草不工, 蔡瀾
假如妻子是一本書 2007-05-08 文匯報 C02, 副刊采風, 百家廊, 施友朋 ←你會想她是本怎樣的書呢?哈哈‧‧‧
ppl always like to attribute to other factors. the key is, ppl always like to have that kind of reason, say "it is our nature". bullshit! if we only follow our nature, why we are human?
the writer is soso~
Monday, May 07, 2007
7-5-2007 讀報
8:22 PM 0 comments
Inside the House of Money: Top Hedge Fund Traders on Profiting in the Global Markets
Steven Drobny / Publisher: Wiley (April 21, 2006) / (4 days)
Adventure Capitalist: The Ultimate Road Trip
Jim Rogers / Publisher: Random House; 1st edition (May 13, 2003)
「最荒謬意念」 青年創墊發達 2007-05-07 香港經濟日報 A17, 國際動態, 財經故事, 高碧斯
一間書屋兩個夢想家 2007-05-07 太陽報 E07, 娛閒, Jason
3 熱血大學生創業開樓上學術書店 2007-05-07 明報 A07, 港聞
Sunday, May 06, 2007
6-5-2007 讀報
10:19 AM 0 comments
愚樂10分鐘 I Love You Boyz踩入旺角呃女仔 2007-05-06 蘋果日報 C11, 娛樂名人
國際視野 2007-05-06 蘋果日報 E08, 名采論壇, 牛棚讀書記, 梁文道(牛棚書院院長)
風神雷神II時速可達75km 430 2007-05-06 東方日報 A21, 國際
補習天王蕭源檸檬茶人生 2007-05-06 東方日報 A15, 港聞
挑戰何文匯 2007-05-06 蘋果日報 E08, 名采論壇, 文化動物園
25 Most Innovative Companies May 14, 2007, Business Week, SPECIAL REPORT
Online payments - A battle at the checkout May 3rd 2007, Economist print editio, MOUNTAIN VIEW AND SAN JOSE
MIT Dean Marilee Jones Flunks Out May. 03, 2007, Time, Commentary, MICHAEL KINSLEY
The Indexing Wars 4/29/07, US news and world report, Paul J. Lim
24 Top innovators May 14, 2007, Fortune, VOL. 155, NO. 9
Saturday, May 05, 2007
5-5-2007 讀報
9:12 AM 0 comments
甘偉培、林展明 / 2006年11月 / 博顥 (4 days)
MBA最愛入Google 2007-05-05 東方日報 B12, 產經
微軟擬吞雅虎或涉 3900億 2007-05-05 星島日報 A28, 國際
乳貼教主 2007-05-05 太陽報 G03, 澳門街, 茜利妹
汲取日本教訓 避免泡沫爆破 2007-05-05 香港經濟日報 B19, 投資, 書中自有黃金屋
不許人間見白頭孫耀威 2808 2007-05-03 壹週刊 B066, 娛樂名人, 豪語錄
Friday, May 04, 2007
3/4-5-2007 讀報
10:12 AM 0 comments
Sick leave today, sick like shit.
Tools for Success: A Manager's Guide (3 days)
Suzanne Turner / Publisher: McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. (31 Aug 2003)
創意工業突圍欠靈丹 2007-05-04 明報 A12, 回歸十年浮沉, 林康琪
「網上月老」圓創業夢大男生創建愛情公寓 2007-05-04 大公報 A13, 台灣新聞, 阿里山下
無充電器成本僅五美元 Powercast小發明生千億商機 2007-05-04 星島日報 B07, 國際金融, 國金萬象
BB潮誘發千萬商機 2007-05-04 香港經濟日報 A56, 行政人員, Global Watcher, 梁巧恩
IT奇才向Google搶頭啖湯 2007-05-04 太陽報 A26, 專題 ←佢又上報紙
合約證券化運動員上市 2007-05-04 信報財經新聞 P12, 時事評論, 林行止專欄, 林行止
數學專才最高薪 2007-05-04 蘋果日報 E08, 名采論壇, GG細語, 左丁山
風水與權力疆界 feng shui power 2007-05-04 香港經濟日報 C05, 閱讀, 陳雲 民俗學家、文化評論人
度身縫製「畢業熊」專攻八大院校 2007-05-04 星島日報 A18, 每日雜誌, 創業教室
捱罵後看《老人與海》 探索命運2007-05-04 香港經濟日報 A24, 要聞˙教育 ←童年的我!
一盤生意:塔倫天奴師傅親授20萬電影慳家法 2007-05-03 蘋果日報 E14, One fine day
Actualized idea:
Idea 2, 少年股神訓練班, November 06, 2006
股神是怎樣誕生的 2007-05-04 香港經濟日報 B03, 投資, 經濟與投資, 石鏡泉
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
30/1-4/5-2007 讀報
7:42 AM 4 comments
V for Vendetta
Steve Moore / Publisher: Pocket Star; Pocket Star Books Pbk. Ed edition (January 31, 2006) (4 days)
速成科技難救港 2007-05-01 明報 A12, 回歸十年浮沉, 薛偉傑
Tesco業務蒸蒸日上——記英國最賺錢的大型超市 2007-05-01 信報財經新聞 P07, 國際評論, 邱翔鐘
港CEO 薪酬亞太第二高 2007-05-01 明報 A05, 港聞
面試的要求 2007-05-01 明報 D04, 世紀 人文.關懷.視野, 編輯室手記, 劉進圖
炒樓損手回歸踏實 回歸10年百人誌:女經紀變身餃子皇后 2007-05-01 蘋果日報 A10, 港聞, 回歸10年百人誌
亞馬遜開放物流基建有玄機 2007-05-01 信報財經新聞 P23, 副刊, 黃世澤
新貴響頭炮 韌力定輸贏 2007-05-01 信報財經新聞 P20, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
案內人隨筆:計娶 2007-04-30 蘋果日報 B18, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
掌摑日本司法 2007-04-30 信報財經新聞 P45, 副刊, 面對面, 健 吾
wowo, I love your blog so so so so mcuh. keke
I found you by searching "張婉君 blog" on google. Bookmarked you into my daily HK news section. Thx
Thanks, nice to meet you.
Your photos and poems are good!
I find today's articles make my day!!!
Ashley, thanks for your comment.