Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
25/31-5-2009 讀報 (Week 22)
7:09 AM 2 comments
When I was small, I always think that the coffee shop in Friends is called Central Park or Central Peak, whereas the correct name should be Central Perk.
I am learning Russian throught Michel Thomas, it is so much fun!
Finished: (22th in 2009, 250th in total since 2005)
作者:Miyuki Shibasaki / 出版社:如果出版社 / 出版日期:2008年09月30日
魯比尼:復甦面對10大障礙 經濟觸底增長仍疲 美或出現W形衰退 2009-05-30 文匯報 A11, 國際新聞
《改革歷程》 火速售罄鮑樸指填補六四空洞 2009-05-30 信報財經新聞 P04, 政策政情
左邊的驕狂歲月 2009-05-28 壹週刊 A110-111, 專欄, 坐看雲起時, 陶傑
月薪8千 聘安全套試用者 2009-05-25 文匯報 A32, 副刊趣知廊
20年轉6份工 盧永仁赴進修 2009-05-28 香港經濟日報 A08, 採訪手記, 杜正之
可樂的碳會計學 2009-05-26 信報財經新聞 P39, 副刊, 面對面, 林思華
商務設流動站 社區測市場 2009-05-29 香港經濟日報 A34, 商業˙工貿, 馮穎欣
This 2 ideas are brillant and inspirating... where is my creativity?
南韓試驗隔空充電新技術 2009-05-26 信報財經新聞 P39, 副刊, 解碼, 狄高
Tata laying foundation to house slum dwellers FT, Joe Leahy and Varun Sood in Mumbai, Published: May 28 2009 19:49
Funny: Animal testing
It is funny no matter how many time you see it:
I am learning Russian through Michel Thomas, it is so much fun!
<< can you tell me where u learn? i wanna learn too...
--cynthia leung
I learn from Michel Thomas CDs.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
18/24-5-2009 讀報 (Week 21)
7:46 AM 3 comments
Not Too Late Norah Jones
Tequila Moon Jessy J
I love this twitter from Outdoor_Girly:
Theory: successful people read best selling business books, wildly successful read random books (philosophy), normal people just don’t read
I start to think that I am reading too much business/finance books. Random selection is my new theory.
New: (38/39/40th in 2009, 396th since 2005)
Bought more than HK$1500 this month again
Show Me How: 500 Things You Should Know Instructions for Life From the Everyday to the Exotic
Lauren Smith (Author), Derek Fagerstrom (Author) / Publisher: Collins Design (October 28, 2008)
作者:Miyuki Shibasaki / 出版社:如果出版社 / 出版日期:2008年09月30日
An Incomplete Education: 3,684 Things You Should Have Learned but Probably Didn't
Judy Jones (Author), William Wilson (Author) / Publisher: Ballantine Books; 3 edition (April 25, 2006)
Finished: (20/21th in 2009, 249th in total since 2005)
The Intellectual Devotional: Revive Your Mind, Complete Your Education, and Roam Confidently with the Cultured Class
David S. Kidder (Author), Noah D. Oppenheim (Author) / Publisher: Rodale Books; Rough cut edition (October 3, 2006)
作者:高階 秀爾/監修 / 出版社:原點 / 出版日期:2008年04月29日
麥當勞肯德基 搶送外賣戰場2009-05-22 香港經濟日報 A34, 商業˙工貿, 馮穎欣
AV女優擬替200人口交噎到送院 2009-05-23 蘋果日報 A20, 環球Pop-up
港俄互免簽證 可順道遊黑龍江 2009-05-19 香港經濟日報 A12, 中國專題
宇多田光登美銷量榜百大 2009-05-24 大公報 C10, 娛樂
美大學擬4年變3 省錢省時間 2009-05-24 文匯報 A09, 國際新聞
愛的騷擾 2009-05-24 明報 P09, 副刊時代, 極度大男人, 阿寬
I am reading a biography, there is one sentence that is very funny: 他從小便展露才華. How?
Norah Jones & 李心潔 actually look quite similar:
我睇完你o個句從"小便"展露才華, 笑左我好耐..
I also laughed for quite a long time... simple me...
Do you know Hebe is going to Germany?
Saturday, May 16, 2009
11/17-5-2009 讀報 (Week 20)
11:09 AM 0 comments
New: (35/36/37th in 2009, 393th since 2005)
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA; Reissue edition (May 15, 2009) / Thanks to Paul
"Socialism Is Great!": A Worker's Memoir of the New China
Lijia Zhang / Publisher: Atlas & Co. (April 14, 2008)
Why Politics Matters: Making Democracy Work Gerry Stoker / Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan; illustrated edition edition (7 Jul 2006)
哈薩克的巧外交 2009-05-16 信報財經新聞 P30, 特稿, 國際潮, 梁俊佳
霸王通過上市聆訊 最快月底推介 2009-05-15 信報財經新聞 P06, 股市動態
梁文道現象 2009-05-13 蘋果日報 E07, 名采論壇, 八月寧靜, 塵翎
一家簡體字書店的故事 2009-05-11 文匯報 C01, 副刊讀書人, 書評, 彭礪青
硅谷銀行下月或登陸上海 2009-05-17 文匯報 B10, 中國經
智能胸圍性慾漲即谷胸 2009-05-17 蘋果日報 A14, 環球Pop-up
自製網上MTV MySpace卡拉OK登陸日本 2009-05-13 文匯報 A21, 副刊趣知廊
籌款王與傳奇王 2009-05-12 香港經濟日報 C10, 專欄, 專欄——玳玳茶, 梁玳寧
甘地名字太沉重 拉烏爾神仙難變 2009-05-12 東方日報 A34, 國際, 世界視線
From 滬「奇拿」散播前女友裸照: 上海「奇拿」發放被稱為「海運女」的艷照事件,在香港上報,在Google搜索網頁,「海運女」竟排名第一。←呢d男仔正一仆街!
Funny: Innovation
Saturday, May 09, 2009
6/10-5-2009 讀報 (Week 19)
10:45 AM 0 comments
New: (30/31/32/33/34th in 2009, 390th since 2005)
作者:森本真由美/著 / 出版社:商周出版 / 出版日期:2005年09月19日
作者 / 松成容子 / 出版社 / 瑞昇文化事業股份有限公司 / 出版日期 / 2008/04/14
創建民主: 締造一個優良的香港特區政府
陸恭蕙及思匯政策研究所編 / hkup / 出版日期: 2003
Finished: (18/19th in 2009, 247th in total since 2005)
Simplify Your Time: Stop Running & Start Living!
Marcia Ramsland (Author) / Publisher: Thomas Nelson (August 29, 2006)
陸恭蕙及思匯政策研究所 / hkup / 出版日期: 2002
香港機場覓食遊 2009-05-09 香港經濟日報 C05, 落區尋食, 落區尋食, 陸悅
梅鐸:報章網站年內收費 2009-05-08 蘋果日報 A30, 國際要聞
閱讀器非救星美報業困局難突破2009-05-06 信報財經新聞 P08, 經濟.國際
豬流感:在警戒與沉着之間 2009-05-07 明報 B13, 觀點, 精裝君王論, 蔡子強
菩提明鏡:印度介入非洲之爭 2009-05-10 東方日報 A28, 龍門陣, 菩提明鏡, 柳三禪
心靈激勵大師 2009-05-10 香港商報 A08, 黃金書齋, 燙手新書
46大學生爭做公廁清潔工 2009-05-10 東方日報 A23, 兩岸
2009最欠扁的話 2009-05-10 香港商報 A10, 網聞天下, 一笑而過
港大罷免風波詭譎內情 2009-05-10 亞洲週刊 P23, 特別報道, 邱晨
Funny: A good 12min short film. I hope my office has windows.
Funny 2: Intel is promoting 六四 over the world! Details from Appliedaily.
Friday, May 01, 2009
26/5-4/5-2009 讀報 (Week 18)
2:47 PM 2 comments
Solved a long time problems in viewing Orangedays articles in Firefox/Safari by adding width:415px in css #content. Dum me.
I am still suffering from skin allergy after returning from China.
Watched Gran Torino today. This reflect the true US life, with gangs, guns and violence. Highly recommended!
New: (28/29th in 2009, 385th since 2005)
作者:加藤智見/著 / 出版社:商周出版 / 出版日期:2003年12月14日
Flat Earth News: An Award-winning Reporter Exposes Falsehood, Distortion and Propaganda in the Global Media
Nick Davies / Publisher: Chatto & Windus (7 Feb 2008)
Finished: (15/16/17th in 2009, 245th in total since 2005)
經濟日報出版社 / 出 版 年 份︰ 2009-02
McMafia: A Journey Through the Global Criminal Underworld
Misha Glenny / Publisher: Knopf (April 8, 2008)
The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It
Marcia Angell / Publisher: Random House Trade Paperbacks (August 9, 2005)
On Talents and Recruitment Gucci Proxy
讀書無禁區 2009-05-01 香港經濟日報 C11, 專欄, 專欄——笑星看神州, 黎文卓
小室面臨入獄舊愛一脫求生 華原朋美啪丸拍AV 2009-04-28 蘋果日報 C01, 娛樂要聞, 娛樂頭條
元朗仔研發晶片年賺逾億 2009-04-30 明報 A14, 港聞, 特稿
十年網上幾番新 Geocities年底退役 2009-05-05 信報財經新聞 P35, 副刊, 解碼, 狄高
偷食網站海嘯逆市勁賺 2009-05-05 東方日報 A34, 國際
21世紀 學生運動 2009-05-05 信報財經新聞 P32, YZ世代, 李志榮
194天環遊世界:單車版 2009-05-05 信報財經新聞 P35, 副刊, 面對面, 林思華
Funny: Net worth?
Funny 2: This book cover attracts me! Both title & content.