Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
22-6-2006 讀報
4:05 PM
爆谷文化 / 年輕分析員 2006-06-22, 信報財經新聞, P28, 理財投資, 原是物語, 孔少林
廣告創意不停站 2006-06-22, 信報財經新聞, P31, 副刊, 面對面
成本較低 或搶去部分電視客 2006-06-22, 明報, B12, 行銷攻略
網站利誘觀眾睇廣告 每看一個30秒廣告分帳約7毫 2006-06-22, 明報, B12, 行銷攻略, 薛偉傑
手術後雙目合不上 追究無果 港女滬割眼皮慘毀容 2006-06-22, 星島日報, A08, 港聞
Short Selling: Short Selling Surges to Record On the Big Board --- Softness in Markets Abroad And Interest-Rate Concerns Drive Dimmer View of Stocks 2006-06-22, The Wall Street Journal, B6