Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

19-11-2006 讀報

11:45 AM

揭秘創業詐騙陷阱 2006-11-19, 香港商報, A05, 服務橋
性愛學院 專業陪(目訓) 2006-11-19, 東方日報, F01, 男極圈
YouTube短片獲賞識 英白領成BBC主持 2006-11-19, 明報, A22, 國際新聞, 天下人間
賣貴價漢堡「包」好賺 2006-11-19, 東方日報, B04, 產經
香港,醒醒! - 預告 及 系列重溫 2006-11-6/18, 香港經濟日報
Think Brighter - Here's how I try to build brainstorming into my daily routine December 1, 2005, CNN Money, Pat Croce

An idea a day:
11. Develop mobile phone which can pick up phone calls inside your home.
Everyone should have this experience: When you are sleeping nicely in your room, at the mid-night/ early in the morning, there is a fuzking guy call at your home's phone, if you want to stop the fuzking ring, you have to wake and walk outside.
But if you can use an ordinary mobile phone, which can pick up anytime when phone ring, you can answer the ringing call at your finger tips.
If you have a indoor mobile phone, this is an other case. Or mobile phone with this function can replace the "indoor mobile phone", as this is a "2 in 1" solution and mobile phone is now indispensible.


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