Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

8-11-2006 讀報

9:23 PM

孫正義的MySpace / Google的舊經濟夢 2006-11-08, am730, M20, 投資, 中環博客, 禤中怡
開會唔講嘢一世冇運行 2006-11-08, 蘋果日報, B10, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
解開出身枷鎖 張戎 2006-11-08, 香港經濟日報, A56, 行政人員, 成功學堂, 郭立新
郎朗、李雲迪、小伏 獲批優才將成港人 2006-11-08, 頭條日報, P04, 港聞
欣賞Citrix 2006-11-08, 資訊科技周刊, IT8, 增值廣場, IT議事亭, 文耀
最新包裝可極速拆袋安全套1秒戴上 2006-11-08, 蘋果日報, A26, 世界萬象 ←What a genius,容易c!

An idea a day:

4. IPO-ize new business idea, create a online platform to match investors and $$-lacking entrepenuers.
  1. The amount of $$ entrepenuer need for startup, say HKD$100k , is divided into a definite shares, say 100, then each share is equal to HKD$1k.
  2. Investors can go to the platform to seek $$ earning oppotunites, if they find a viable and interesting idea, they can buy any amount of shares they want, say 45 shares of the company, then he need to pay HKD$45k, and he becomes a shareholder of that company and share the profit according to the $$ he they invest.
  3. Once the amount of seeding fund, say HKD$100k is fulfilled, then entrepenuer can kick off and start the company.
  4. In this way, entrepenuer can find "in-sync" investors more easily, and leverage the internet effect for fund raising.


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