Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
9-11-2006 讀報
11:18 AM
單身李雲廸想結識香港女孩 2006-11-09, 蘋果日報, A21, 專欄專論, 至Hit人物
壓力some ways out 2006-11-09, 香港經濟日報, A41, 行政人員, 管理書, 吳曉怡
Go創業前弄清危興機 2006-11-09, 明報, G02, 增值, 企業主意, 關詠賢
批發新丁教學生搵真銀 2006-11-09, 壹週刊, A106, 財經, 壹盤生意
紐交所裁員五百人 2006-11-09, 信報財經新聞, P07, 國際時事
什麼叫衞星報紙 2006-08-21, 市場報, 05, IT‧視點, 信息高速路, 林達
企業四步曲——創業借助高科技做現代報紙佬 2005-04-09, 經濟一週, 58
山頂廣場 - 報紙自動售賣機 Feb-May 2005, 恒隆地產商場快訊
An idea a day:
5. Develop an advertising company which sponsers the publishing of newsletters / fryers for university societies, in return for the rights to put ads on them.
As the ad channel is so targeted, most of them are university students, and the circulation is so vast, over 100k people in 7 universities in HK, if the company can unify all the societies to join the campaign, it should have a great bargaining power for high ad fee.