Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Thursday, December 14, 2006
11/14-12-2006 讀報
8:56 PM
經濟學家「學而優不仕」 2006-12-14, 信報財經新聞, P28, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
棟篤玩味人生 2006-12-14, 信報財經新聞, P29, 副刊, 面對面, 鄭天儀
彩票富翁們的秘密人生 2006-12-13, 東方日報, A38, 國際, 世界視線, 李集慧
《華日》「瘦身」為讀者? 2006-12-11, 信報財經新聞, P28, 理財投資, 時勢微觀
丹麥的示範 2006-12-11, 都市日報, P37, 副刊, 兵器譜, 梁文道、邵家臻
豐資深HR 剔出學生見工死穴 2006-12-14, 香港經濟日報, A45, 行政人員, 陳靜汶
blog種商機大趨勢 200萬網民的啟示 2006-12-11, 香港經濟日報, A52, 企業管理, 潮流大賣場, 陳淑儀
AIA聘3000人 保險銀行爭挖角 2006-12-13, 香港經濟日報, A04, 要聞, 曾桂芬
GP 「綠色生活由我做起—環保機械人大賽」學生顯創意 2006-12-12, 明報, C03, 時尚名人
IT人林永君 一個概念值千萬 專從垃圾掘金 商家「打本」建網站 2006-12-11, 香港經濟日報, A30, 港聞
地鐵自助書機深雪:販賣噱頭 2006-12-11, 蘋果日報, E10, One fine day ←我真係out到云!
男人本色 2006-12-14, 明報, D07, 時代, 極度大男人, 阿寬 ←記得我在台灣買了這書
新井一二三 生活在東京 2006-12-12, 明報, D02, 旅遊, 旅遊書話, 郭瑋瑋
An idea a day:
29. For the sit-type toilet, create a petal at the floor near the toilet, if we press on it, the seat of the toilet will be raise, just like the kind of rubbish bin, if we press the petal, the top cover will raise.
This help people to raise the seat without any direct touch with it. For those "shower-like" old old man, as they usually involuntarily can not aim perfectly at the target, this product can encourage them to keep the toilet clean, especially for the public one, like those in office/ school.
The loading speed just like dying!
This is the longest time for reading newspapers, about 2hrs.
Haha, just discovered that the idea today should be the 30th, as idea#8 has doubled.
tim, do you regularly check who keeps a link to your blog? I am afraid I don't bring you much traffic. Really appreciate your news clippings. Keep it up.
Actually not so frequently, I just go to technorati, search for Orangedays, then the links will go up!
I got rejected by HSBC right after submission of the application form. Really can't figure out what kind of people they're looking for.
My semester break starts. I'm in mainland, but can see your updates, haha.
Yaya...HSBC's requirement sucks, some of my friends are the MT, but I cant see they are so complenent, just so-so.
Hope you have a nice journey!