Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

1/2-12-2006 讀報

5:42 PM

USB rechargable cell Dec 1, 2006 07:04 PM, Make magazine, Phillip Torrone ←The most ingenious thing that I have seen in the year!
The Venture Capital Aptitude Test (VCAT) November 29, 2006, How to Change the World, Guy Kawasaki
U好鬼好賣 2006-12-01, 香港經濟日報, C13, 世事, 關人馬事, 活力先生
聽書癡一席話 為舊書平反 2006-12-01, 香港經濟日報, C05, 閱讀, 蕭曉華
快圖美藍海求生記 傳統沖曬利潤微 2006-12-01, 香港經濟日報, A60, 企業管理, 潮流大賣場, 李如虹
患者100萬!教你打通便秘 2006-12-01, 忽然一周, SW130, 開心家庭, 健康專線
PCCW 1 December 2006, Financial Times, London Ed1, Page 18, LEX COLUMN ←lscpeterman, dont know whether you have read this or not? I will try to read more FT and WSJ.

An idea a day:
21. To make a whirl mixers for medicines in hospitals/clinics, shred and mixed different medicines and make into one pills.
For old patients, they may be v. absent mind / with a little lack in hand control / have a tendancy to pick up and eat the wrong pills, may find it difficult to pick the correct pills from severals. If every time consult a doctor, patients will only get one type of pill, this will make patient more efficent and more easy to pick the correct one. Make a unique pills curing unqiue symtoms from patients.


Dont know why I often tumble over recently, this is the third times! It hurts!

其實蘋果係唔會hardsell壹傳媒集團內的product, 姊妹magazine想在蘋果sell?得, 俾$買廣告啦(while, 其他magazine都可以在蘋果登)呢個係佢地culture

至於經濟就,唉, 唔駛我講啦, Tim兄都講左

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