Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
3-12-2006 讀報
8:59 AM
黑社會之紙上作業 2006-12-03, 明報, P22, 讀書, 風吹草動, 陸鈞
有預謀盜撮猖獗靚女小心! 2006-12-03, 蘋果日報, G01, 夜生活, 風俗一番街 ←不喜勿入!
我的創業心得:咖啡店特許經營擴版圖 2006-12-03, 東方日報, B04, 產經
窮爸偷玩具痛哭求饒 2006-12-03, 東方日報, A20, 港聞
How to Succeed in 2007 Business 2.0. San Francisco: Dec 2006. Vol. 7, Iss. 11; p. 85, Carleen Hawn, Susanna Hamner, Erick Schonfeld. ←Selected articles from FRED WILSON, EDGAR BRONFMAN JR., KEVIN ROSE, TIM O'REILLY, MUHAMMAD YUNUS
New Year's Revolutions Business 2.0. San Francisco: Dec 2006. Vol. 7, Iss. 11; p. 109, Chris Taylor
First Book Fast Company. Boston: Dec 2006/Jan 2007. p. 80, Cheryl Dahle.
An idea a day (medi week):
22. Develop a website like, stating the exact the location of every clinics and hospitals, in addition, like Santa Monica Parking Lots, showing the waiting list number for patients.
When you are after school/ work/ fresh to your new house, touch wood, you sudden feel there is a need to consult doctor immediately, you do not care the doctor you see is fresh to you, but you really want to see doctor without any delay, then this website is perfect for you.
The website can also give additional information like fee, insurance policy, working hours, which doctor can you find in the clinics, etc.
This website can earn $$ by ad fee / doctor's listing fee, like prostitutes in The model of is really interesting and can earn, set aside the moral things.