Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Friday, January 12, 2007
12-1-2006 讀報
10:31 PM
富豪力托夕陽未下 2007-01-12, 信報財經新聞, P20, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
古蹟保育論商業化成敗 Heritage Preservation 2007-01-12, 香港經濟日報, A37, 行政人員, Global Watcher, 梁巧恩
暢銷書反映港人速讀文化 2007-01-12, 星島日報, E07, 年華, 文化廊, 偉嘉
07發達商機 創團購網站 網民興集體購物贏優惠 2007-01-12, 香港經濟日報, A19, 國際動態, 吳穎文
怪卡證人生 2007-01-12, 信報財經新聞, P30, 文化
An idea a day:
46. 7 ways to prevent the mini-bus accident happens again.
The premise is not to change the infra-structure/ archetechure of the vehicle.
There are several reasons which cause the accident happen:
1. The setting of the vehicle prevent driver to take notice of the situation outside the door.
2. The driver do not pay attention to that.
3. Some commuters point out the problem at once, but driver can not react at once. Commuter knows, but they can not do anything on that.
4. In order for driver to earn more, more drives are needed.
The solution:
1. Change the whole door to a transparent one, just like any door at shopping mall.
2. Install a camera near the door, and the situation is displayed on a small security screen for driver to watch, just like those installed at the rear of shuttle/ travel bus, for parking purpose.
3. Install a button at the seat near the door, once press, will stop the car.
4. Install a button at the seat near the door, once press, will open the door.
5. Change the manual door to an automatic one, at which a activated sensor will automatically open the door, like those in shopping mall.
6. Install a infra-red/ microwave finish line on the outside of door, say 1m from the door, if people pass the line, a beep/ count happens, for drivers to know the number of people walked out of the zone.
7. Change the salary model of drivers, just like those in KMB, and others.
All the perfect setting are suck, if the driver just dont care for the safety!
The ideas are funny, but some are im-practical.
I think the auto-door is ok!