Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

14-1-2006 讀報

9:45 AM

Added a recent comments on the sidebar.

陳其鑣--3R環保創效益 2007-01-14, 星島日報, Z06, 名廚巡禮, 中環會客室, 香樹輝
神童小時了了 2007-01-14, 蘋果日報, E09, 名采論壇, GG細語, 左丁山
十年磨刀:讀書的困惑 2007-01-14, 南方都市報, B23, 閱讀周刊十年個人閱讀, 李公明
香港政府唔識寶 天才他鄉覓生路 2007-01-14, 東方日報, A18, 功夫茶, 功夫茶
民間發明家對港府心死 2007-01-14, 東方日報, A16, 港聞
倒讀神功 2007-01-14, 大公報, C05, 小公園, 千里馬, 黃伯康
落水狗美學 2007-01-14, 明報, P12, 日偽流民, 湯禎兆
非法下載網站籌錢買小國 2007-01-14, 蘋果日報, A22, 世界風情
頭骨傳音聽悠揚 2007-01-14, 東方日報, A02, 探射燈

Alpha Trends - A Video Technical Analysis Trading Ideas for all trading days! ←HK trader should develop this!

An idea a day:
48. A wikipedia style of website, gathering review and summary of the classic/ latest books.
It would give a brief and latest idea/ trend to book lovers, the website can also act as a book/ magazine/ journal/ further study sale platform, as the audiences are all interested in the area.


Another spin off!

Actually, there are many book summary/review in magazine/newspaper, there is a weekly column in business week, Economist...I saw you also take notice of.

Why not just post them on Orangedays, then the whole things can be accompolished, and to ensure the quality is professional.
Yes, sure I could do it, easily.

But newspaper/magazine only review the 80 part from 80/20 theory. Also, the time lag is v. long, it may take more than half a year after the book being published for the review.

wiki-style can encourage the book-frantics to contribute selflessly, and this could ensure a speedy, thorough, exhaustive update of books.
From your, I know you have read a few hundreds of books in last year, why not make summary and review by yourself?

Your reading list is quite HIP and NEW, and I think these can sure interest people.

You writing although full of grammatical/spelling mistakes, it is logical and clear. Why not give yourself a try??
Haha, the reason is I dont have the time and effort.

Read and think is easy, but getting things done is hard.
Wow, the reading list of you is so hugh!

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