Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

17-1-2006 讀報

8:51 PM

唔同行業各有分析技巧 2007-01-17, 信報財經新聞, P09, 理財投資, 投資者日記, 曹仁超
美國也有特許經營榜 2007-01-17, am730, M28, 投資, 中環博客, 禤中怡
《時代》湯藥齊換「救亡」 2007-01-17, 信報財經新聞, P20, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
人際溝通 2007-01-17, 明報, D05, 時代, 女人心, 何慧敏

An idea a day:
51. Develop a collective website for not-so-famous finanical actors from different security firms, to give out daily trading tips/research reports.
For already-famous actors, TV/ radio/ newspapers/ magazines/ trading websites are very eagerly to publish their ideas. For not-so-famous one, this may not be the case. As an actor, they need to be exposed to the public, and no such thing as over-exposure.
As this website is a collective one, allowing all actors from all firms to give out ideas, it can certainly attract traffic, as all retail stock traders (C9, for example) love ideas through the grapevine, this can give the wind for the crowd to follow .
People can have the tips, actors can attain fans, traditional win-win situation.
The website will not give any fee to actors, but it can earn by ads fee from online brokerage firms or SME brokerages, for which retail stock traders can their main income stream.


Yes, this could act as a breeding ground for fin. actors.

There are only 2 kinds of people giving trading tips, either bold-actors or novice/professional traders, but no place for not-famous actors, who take the profession of brokers, but are not private traders.
Funny idea!

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