Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


8:34 PM

石Sir由廠長八到社長 股壇周伯通 2007-01-23, 香港經濟日報, A37, 行政人員, 梁巧恩、梁穎勤
這個CEO只有23歲 2007-01-22, am730, M14,M15, 特寫, 鄭惠萍 葉雅媛
有機商機 如雨後春筍 2007-01-22, 投資理財, S56-S61, 創富商機, 林映雪
欲仿iPod起革命 Google 拓綱上發售電子書 2007-01-22, 星島日報, B12, 國際金融

An idea a day:
55. Save essential shopping/ billing information online, for Octopus users to make record.
It could help people to track down their spending pattern. Recording all the bills made, it could help people easiler to make an account balance for $$ saving purpose.
It could also prevent big companies, like MTR, to deprive HK citizen again!


ya~ it's good idea~
juz like credit card.
also can manage our expenses

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