Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
29/31-1-2006 讀報
8:15 PM
處理器速度再起飛 2007-01-30, 信報財經新聞, P25, 副刊, 解碼, 狄高
策騎員收入不俗 2007-01-29, 香港經濟日報, C13, 世事, 中環穿梭, 畢流香
南韓變自殺大國 2007-01-31, 東方日報, A34, 國際, 世界視線
開發手機遊戲 打出無限錢程 2007-01-31, 香港經濟日報, A29, 行政人員, 職業特攻隊, 陳沛芬
日本首富 孫正義 2007-01-29, 香港經濟日報, A41, 行政人員, 成功學堂, 郭立新 ←世上另一個我!
發洩網成潮人減壓法 2007-01-30, 電腦廣場, M145, China Talk
風浪颳翻4賽艇36人墮海300 健兒救生艇2 艘部分人浸冷水半小時 2007-01-29, 明報, A03, 港聞
An idea a day:
59. Add referral links to amazon in university library online catalog.
It could provide universities in HK a zero-overhead constant revenue model, at the same time, it can benefit both students and amazon, as this could make readers more easily meet the books wanted and vice versa.
For example, when semester begin, every students will be in a deadly need of textbooks, the first choice of all students should be the library, as this is the cheapest means. When students find that textbooks is in 20-30 onhold, they should think of other mean to acquire it, one of the way is the amazon/ online bookstores.
If amazon could make a discount especially for students in that library, it could certainly promote sales; for every click and sales, there are rebates to university library, it could help fund raising.
The online catalog is a very competitve platform, as the users are surely the main/ major customers of online book stores, and remember, they have the $$ to spend and dispense. If properly negogiated, the deal could be hugh!
One of the ways for maximize the deal is to force all first time library users register to be an amazon users, and referral from the library catalog will make discount to that users, by the most famous amazon technology, the dynamic pricing!
Of course, all the above is based on the fact, students love books, if the hitrate of the catalog is low, then the whole is a piece of shit.
Thanks to the long tail, otherwise your idea will have less sense.
Consider this, if the major revenue of amazon is from the fresh-released books?
As there should be at least 2-3 months lead-time before any new books become avaliable in university libraries. Then, the advertising effect will not align with the major area of profit.
As the long-tail says, dated books contribute to a significant sale, your idea could surely help.
But, do dated books would have so many onhold? Do HK people read?
Yes, dated books will not have some many onholds, but the referral link could increase the possiblity of closing deals, people may want to own one, instead of borrow, if he really like that.