Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

3/6-1-2006 讀報

9:57 AM

PCCW still sucks!

維珍航空衝擊美國 2007-01-06, 香港經濟日報, C11, 世事, 中環穿梭, 畢流香
私募基金概念︰市值要高收入要穩 / 政治是大企業的玩意 2007-01-04, 蘋果日報, B16, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
風險資本新秀撼Google 2007-01-04, 信報財經新聞, P20, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
俄國情婦文化 2007-01-03, 東方日報, A27, 國際, 世界視線
逼懶蟲「轉性」有法 2007-01-03, 信報財經新聞, P20, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
重新計時 Think clock wise! 2007-01-05, 香港經濟日報, C05, 閱讀, 陳大興
FBI絕密檔案 2007-01-04, 香港經濟日報, A33, 行政人員, 管理書, 吳曉怡
《英國醫學雜誌》面世166年 網上選最偉大醫學突破 2007-01-06, 蘋果日報, A21, 世界風情
執行力是成敗關鍵 2007-01-06, 太陽報, E07, 娛閒, 黃擎天
零成本創業肥師奶網上賣BB二手衫 2007-01-03, 壹本便利, TE030, 創業板, 每週熱Blog
機械臂搜書 5分鐘送到 商業周刊選全球11佳圖書館 2007-01-03, 香港經濟日報, A16, 國際專題, 許懿安、陳國勳

An idea a day:
42. Suggest Univeristy to partner with commerical ad firm, by unifying the powerpoint template of all the lectures notes, with ads printed on them, which will then be used as handout for students.
As some universities in hk are struggling for fund raising, why not think it more creatively, and partner with companies to make the university as a ad/sale platform? The size of the ads need not to be very large and disturbing, the ads can be on the front page/back page of powerpoint, or the sponsor name can be printed as footer/header.
It also can give an initative to professor to print and give out notes to students, if commission is provided for each printed. As most professors like to play students, they like students to print themselves.


Such a good idea... (seems that I ‘m reading Freakonomics)

Cos, our government (let alone the Universities) already dominated by some mega commercial firms implicitly. And some universities, such as HKPU becomes much commercial, the decision of remaining or closing departments are critically account on their “performance / revenue”.

This idea paves the road for the government / universities to partner or co-operates with the commercial world reasonably. 理直氣壯
This idea is a little bit like one of your newspaper clipping:

免費影印服務 紙背廣告勁賺

at which, a group of Japanese students buy a photocopier to university, free for people to use, but restricted to use the provided paper, on which, have ads printed on the surface.

Your version is not as viable, as there are lots of bureaucracy to pass, in order to execute it.

Or, could we play it down to professor level, at which professors find sponsors themselves, and earn the ads fee by printing ads lecture notes?
But, I am sure that, the collective audience would be much greater and more attractive to ads companies, if the act involved the whole univerity.

There would be v. fierce resentment for univerity to embrace the ads world, but when we talking about fund raising, people will shut up their mouth, if money-lacking is the fact.

By using your method, the university actually making $$ from nothing, as printing notes and putting simple ads on the paper do not require any extra over-head, this method is a $$-making machine, and zero-input is required!
This idea also similar to one of your previous idea:

5. Develop an advertising company which sponsers the publishing of newsletters / fryers for university societies, in return for the rights to put ads on them.
Thx for you guys comment.

Seems that you are really in Orangedays, remembering every details in what have published!

Yes, ideas breed ideas, previous examples can spin off many interesting things.


As Carr said, this is a $$-making machine, I would be v. glad if it is really applicable.

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