Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Monday, January 08, 2007

8-1-2006 讀報

10:02 PM

不如關門 2007-01-08, 香港經濟日報, C13, 世事, 中環穿梭, 畢流香
和諧社會之道 中產減富不減 2007-01-08, 信報財經新聞, P23, 時事評論, 林行止專欄, 林行止
倫敦免費報棄地鐵 2007-01-08, am730, M20, 投資, 中環博客, 禤中怡
強國衰落更堪借鑑 2007-01-08, 明報, B10, 錢眼人生, 財經書評, 陸振球
《星級酒店》光怪陸離眾生相 2007-01-08, 香港經濟日報, C19, 影視樂, 程日
女主播趙海珠變身窩輪大使 2007-01-08, 頭條日報, P30, 財經專題, Smart 理財 ←有病冇病?
大學奇招促師生禁煙 2007-01-08, 星島日報, F02, 大學版, 學府風, 袁效仁 ←有病冇病2?

An idea a day:
44. Install a simple $$ indicator in all ATM.
Today I went to an ATM to cash out, after waited v. long time in a long long queue, I found that the ATM only has $1000 cash, WTF.
If every ATMs, just like simple drinks vending machine, indicating which type of $$ do they have, then this fuxking situation will never occur again.
In addition, if the ATM do not have any cash, then people will not have to insert card and type password before they know that this is a dummy machine.


But, why do this do not exist??

Really a mystery!
so unlucky man~
To Jason:
It's not a problem~

Most of the ideas are originated from all those "bad-luck".

都唔知點解唔可以顯示, 呢d應該唔使高科技架

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