Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
9/11-1-2006 讀報
8:52 PM
Get sick after went to HZ, fuxk!
掌上Mac機 2007-01-11, 信報財經新聞, P29, 副刊, 解碼, 狄高
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老外至愛極冷門CD鋪 2007-01-10, 壹本便利, TE030, 創業板, 每週熱BLOG
「技術轉移」轉出個未來 城大夥商界 科研搵銀 2007-01-11, 星島日報, A23, 每日雜誌
詐騙集團獲批卡 AEON失70萬 盜他人資料 偽造薪金證明申請 2007-01-11, 香港經濟日報, A28, 港聞, 翁鈺輝、郭美玲
城大SiteWatcher10秒辨出假網站識別系統自動分析料每次收費100元 2007-01-10, 蘋果日報, A20, 港聞
An idea a day:
45. Follow up to idea 42, making the screen-saver/ desktop wallpaper in all the computers in computer centres/ classrooms with sponsors information/ ads.
As computers are ubiquitous in campus now, and setting the whole things up dont require any penny, this may be a effective way for ads revenue.
The resentment may be less than idea42, as this is actually happening, for IBM computers, all the desktop and screen-saver should not without a IBM logo, it is also the case for DELL/ every university.
Hope you get well soon!
As you said, the desktop/screensaver things have already been there, then do you think the sale/ advertising effect exists for IBM/HP/DELL??
If the ultimate aim is to get sponsors from ad revenue, then what do you think about the ROI from ad companies?
Yaya, you are right, I can not provide any grounds to support the idea. I can not give you the return on invest that is on a comptitive edge to act as a ads platform.
But I am wondering, do this things exist already? Do schools/ any cyber cafe/ online game acardes do this things??
Just look at the active booming desktop widges market, you will know the desktop ad thing is still hit.
But only showing the ads on screen-saver/ desktop provide a v. different means to measure for a metric calculation.
How can the advertiser know if this can lead to deals?
Why are you so particular?
This is the purpose of devil advocate!
It doesnt matter, wild ideas do need reality check!