Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Sunday, February 11, 2007
11-2-2006 讀報
9:51 AM
淚之消費 2007-02-11, 明報, P08, 日偽流民, 湯禎兆
中國25歲億萬富翁 劉琦開 2007-02-08, 香港經濟日報, A37, 行政人員, 成功學堂, 郭立新
「我們不想當哈佛校長」 2007-02-11, 東方日報, A26, 國際
The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Web 2.0: Top 25 Apps to Grow your Business - simple, cheap, and effective solutions to solving tasks in small business or startup
Pipes: Rewire the Web - Yahoo new idea on remixing feeds
TEDTalks - Audio and viedo from genius in different industries
An idea a day:
68. Setup permenant rental lockers in hotel, for freq flyers to place a set of essential items.
There should be a set of things that you need to bring for any trip, personal things like cosmetics, shaver, essential pills, extra shirts, shorts or suits, these are the things that you may not easily find and buy in the place where you go.
If you frequently go to trips in 1/2 places, but can not afford a house, then you could make use of these lockers in hotels for these whole bunch of things. It could save you effort for not bring them again and again, it could also save you time and $$, as no more need to bring extra luggage, which may need charge from airline and need time to pick up in the transportation belts in airport.
It could also benefit to hotel, as it could increase the loyalty of customers, and make customers feel more like home, rather than an ordinary/ non-differentiable hotel. The locker need space, and space = $$, the rental service may require $$, or is a special service to VIPs, a attrative service for freq flyers.
The service can be extended and not confined to hotels only, the permenant/ long time rental service could be placed in airport, place around hotel area.
You could also setup a company for storing all the essentials, and delievery to any place once reqested, then place is not the determinant cost factor.