Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Friday, February 16, 2007

13/16-2-2006 讀報

9:22 AM

港大研發投資軟件 2007-02-16, 大公報, A09, 教育
互聯網效應 下個災區TV 2007-02-16, 香港經濟日報, A29, 行政人員, Global Watcher, 陳沛芬 ←Joost
創投基金青睞 小企突圍而出 2007-02-15, 香港經濟日報, A29, 行政人員, 陳靜汶
喬布斯故事 2007-02-13, 明報, D06, 世紀人文.關懷.視野, 編輯室手記, 劉進圖
港大畢業按摩女 2007-02-15, 壹週刊, A044, 時事, 壹號頭條 ←唔係呀化!
維基傳財困瀕執笠 2007-02-14, 太陽報, A30, 國際
《撒旦詩篇》作者遭追殺 2007-02-14, 東方日報, A32, 國際
When It Comes to Innovation, Geography Is Destiny February 11, 2007, NYT, Ping, G. PASCAL ZACHARY

Fever Stimulation Beverage - Sexual Energy Drink

An idea a day:
70. Translation arbitrage
The following pay scales are from yahoo knowledge+:

中譯英/英譯中: 一般每字收$0.5 - 1.0 (視乎字數多少)
審稿: 每字$0.15 - 0.5
編輯: 每字$0.35 - 0.8

公價:內地網公司, RMB$0。05-0。12/字。
香港很多翻譯及文書公司已搬返內地,他們人工約 $4000。

Don't tell me you don't know where the arbitrage is.


Yo, you are back!

How many girls have you cut ar?
for 維基傳財困瀕執笠

this is quite a critical issue to thin about.

can a public web2.0-sphere can maintain its quality and still out of business support? is any new-field need to grow up, away need companies support??

really need to keep track on how wiki face this crisis.

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