Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

19/20-2-2006 讀報

9:09 AM

網上售賣「時間」 有機會成為下一個YouTube 2007-02-20, 蘋果日報, A13, 世界萬象
兩年面試百份工屢敗屢試獲垂青視障大學生破局限做寫手 2007-02-20, 明報, A05, 港聞, 陽光故事, 陸倩盈
港版《海猿》見證經濟起跌 消防潛水組救危難治頑疾 2007-02-20, 星島日報, A12, 港聞
吹氣公仔氾濫勁蝕收場 2007-02-19, 明報, A08, 港聞, 賀豬年
發財聲中思貧富美國經驗堪借鑑 2007-02-19, 明報, A03, 要聞, 社評
牛津男女生賣肉籌學費 2007-02-19, 太陽報, A29, 國際

批發新丁教學生搵真銀 2006-11-09, 壹週刊, A106, 財經, 壹盤生意
Only this model could earn in CNY festival.

All students playing in the festival are just burning $$, there are virtually no product/brand differentiation, all products are from a few sources, you just need to visit no more than 10 shops, you have browse all products in the festival.

An idea a day:
73. Uncommon ways to make $$ from CNY festival.
1. Go to the festival every year, buy/pick up large quantity of products at no/v. low price after 12:00am, and then sell those at next year festival or sell them to students who wish to hold stalls next year. As all the products are worthless after 12:00am, every product you sell is your net profit, without any cost.

2. Buy popular products in the festival and then sell at your counter, alleging that there is no need to visit the whole festival in order to see all products. As price is not so sensitive in festival, and information asymmetry is great, people will still buy although the price is sightly higher for you to make profit. There is one more benefit, people lose $$ mainly due to stagnant stock, your stock level could be varied anytime, to prevent over-stocking of any particular product.

3. For industrial design/architecture students, sell proposal to students making unique products exclusively for them, and earn the referral by referring them to sourcing companies.

4. Setup stalls which is only for arcade games, not selling, like jumpingym.

5. Setup gambling stalls.

6. Setup fortune telling stores, also selling fortune telling books and accessories.

7. Put up eyeball attractions for advertising purpose. As the volumn of visitors is hugh, the advertising effect is great. Just think of all those non-sense products, which surely could not be known by all HK people if they are not selling in the festival, then you could know how powerful the advertising effect.

8. Hire people which dressed in an attractive advertising ways, to promote a brand or company.


Point 1 very 絕‧

You could earn students $$ from two ways, one is from students this year, and the other is students next year.
Hey, your "Hire-me" ad is very funny!

I am still a student, so I cant employ you! But you are surely a brlliant and innovative guy!
Are you interested in advertising field?

I think Orangedays is really a thing! And Hire-me is really funny.

I will send this web to some of my friends, they are copywriters.
Just having a walk and search for something interesting, I found your newscut is pretty done a good job, I will keep it to read your newscut everyday ~~

Carmen and Linyin,

Nice to meet you.

Hope the newcut could inspire everyone of you!

Just curious, are you from HKU?
hey! don't you think the theme of year (that means pig, dog, chicken......) would change every year, so i think it would be waited at least for 12 years to earn students $$.
You are right, you could not just buy anything from the market and think you could sell in next year.

You have to select some protential one.

By the way, if you see source ec website, you will find in their catalog many out-dated items they are still selling.
Hi Tim,

yes, I am from HKU :),
but now I am working in CUHK.

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