Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Friday, February 02, 2007
2-2-2006 讀報
10:12 PM
尋找創投基金非夢想 中小企引股集資有門路 2007-02-02, 星島日報, B06, SME網絡
科技園向創意公司招手 首年免租 2年資助70萬 2007-02-02, 香港經濟日報, A15, 工貿, 王偉康
人肉寫作機董章: 電腦文明未夠班 2007-02-02, 蘋果日報, E20, One fine day
捲土重來 話事人 2007-02-02, 香港經濟日報, A45, 行政人員, Global Watcher, 梁巧恩
石鏡泉減持經濟日報 2007-02-02, 蘋果日報, B16, 財經要聞, 中環在線, 李華華
三屋典籍瘋狂閱讀 楊天命樂做病態書徒 2007-02-02, 星島日報, E07, 年華, 文化廊, 偉嘉
Actualized idea:
Idea 19/20, at 29/30 Nov 06, a blog for patients and doctors.
電子病歷ePR 2007-02-02, 信報財經新聞, P33, 副刊, 陳潔玲
An idea a day:
61. Install an indicator of the floor showing where the lift is, in the security tv channels of real-estate bulidings.
It is quite annoying to witness the lift just past your floors, when you are rushing to work in the morning, it is also a waste of time in waiting lifts.
If we could have the security channel showing the floor, then you could match perfectly the abroad time with the departure time. The indicator can be just like the time/ weather marquee in daily news, or we could have the camera also capturing the floor panel within the lift, either could have the same effect.