Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Friday, February 23, 2007
23-2-2006 讀報
8:46 AM
The home spa idea is not come from the CUHK team, is from towngas. Detail is here.
How I made it : 40 successful entrepreneurs reveal all Rachel Bridge./ London : Kogan Page, c2005. (half day, funny busy model from Britain)
A handbook of management techniques Michael Armstrong./ London ; Philadelphia : Kogan Page, 2006. (Explained clearly all techniques without bullshits)
診所多過便利店 醫生競爭大 2007-02-23, 文匯報, A06, 重要新聞
三十年前的黃桂林 2007-02-23, 香港經濟日報, C13, 世事, 中環穿梭, 畢流香
針對中小企月費僅 390元Google套裝軟件挑戰微軟 2007-02-23, 星島日報, B07, 國際金融
體感模擬遊戲風靡萬千機迷 Wii玩家打網球 打出筋腱炎 2007-02-23, 星島日報, A15, 每日雜誌
An idea a day:
76. Like a million penguin campaign, develop a platform for computer/ TV gamers to write their own storyboard by crowd sourcing.
The storyboard of any meanful games should be similar to a novel/ film, you could easily find in the market, the converted version from either novels/films to games or vice versa.
There are constant complain from gamers on the storyboard, saying the story flow is abrupt, historical details are incorrect, super non-scientific etc. From the experience of wikipedia and britainnica, we know that the model of crowd sourcing is better than any/small group of smart individual, if the story is based on the wisdom of crowd, then a perfect story would be formed.
The crowd sourcing could reduce the cost of hiring story generators, expert editors for details correction, and it could extend the game-life even before the game born, a buzz could also generated from the crowd of loyal and enthusiastic gamers which could infect and spread to the early/late majority, crossing the chasm.
Hi tim,
Steve is a very smart guy, and I think you and him may come in-sync to each others.
You are a VC, then you must be a billionare!
Fund size of my firm is only USD$10M, how could I be a billionare?
The average investment size to a startup is about USD$500,000, but the lowest could be just USD$100,000, in one case we have just invest USD$50,000.
Venture capital is not as profitable as it seems, of course firms like Sequoia Capital thrive, some firms are just barely survive.
Brilliant idea. And I think a Taiwan example has similar sparkle. A smart guy found the feature stories in finance magazines share the same style and thus invented a storyboard/story-writing software in which writers only need to input some factual info (subject, age, gender, education, etc), the software can then generate a story close to a perfectly professional magazine report. But this also tells a dull side of the magazines these days:)
Some guy has written a software for people to enter factual info, and formulate a tailor made love story!
Very funny.