Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
25-2-2006 讀報
10:33 AM
Second Life遭「恐襲」 虛擬世界現解放軍反專制 2007-02-25, 蘋果日報, A19, 國際新聞
4個留學生情陷香港 2007-02-25, 東方日報, A12, 港聞
少年南方朔我如何變成讀書人? 2007-02-25, 明報, P20, 讀書, 讀書人, 南方朔
你信維基嗎? 2007-02-25, 大公報, B01, 寰球特寫
An idea a day:
78. Create an online database for accessing and storing photo, sms, voice mail, contact information from mobile phone.
It could allow us not to lost those essential information, if unfortunately, we lost the phone.
It could also allow us to disable the access of those information by the phone if it is lost, it provide a privacy to the information. The method could be similar to credit card, need to activate in the first time, and if lost, just easily disable is ok.
As space online is virtually free, the number of photos and sms could be stored to unlimited amount, unlike now, we have the delete file in record, in order to create/ receive new one.
Management of those lousy information could also be easier, if we could access them online, instead of using the Parkinson phone, which need to load and hang before we done the task.