Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Sunday, February 04, 2007
4-2-2006 讀報
9:37 AM
Someone posted a link at Golden yesterday, citing one of the Orangedays article, the pageview has been raised to 1200/day.
AO考題: 點推廣建焚化爐? 2007-02-04, 星島日報, A16, 每日雜誌, 維港會, 盧駿
Phone狂擴業 2007-02-04, 東方日報, B04, 產經
梅鐸王朝何去何從 2007-02-04, 東方日報, A26, 國際
尋常人妻之AV 下半生 2007-02-04, 明報, P14, 日偽流民, 湯禎兆
獨裁者的化妝師 2007-02-01, 茶杯, 32, William Nixon
文化惡勢力版圖巡禮 2007-02-01, 茶杯, 48, 歐贊年
An idea a day:
63. Inconvenience ways to make $$ from virtually nothing via the Internet, part 2.
6. Go to backup other people site regularly, and wish one day will be a hugh internet crash, then sell the content back for a high $$. The model can be something like google cache.
7. Keep an eye on information leak from gov website, store them in your hardrive, then sell back the data to gov or the deprived.
8. Try to sell your homework/ help other to do homework at a price. Or like Soundview, the author of the Marketing Guru, writing up book summaries, selling at a price.
9. Conjure up your own story and try to persuade other to donate to you, helping you to achieve or accomplish something, eg,
還債新招 2003-09-10, 信報財經新聞, P15, 副刊-經濟.企管, 思凡, 余就風
苦悶公務員求世人打救設網站籌退休金 2006-03-24, 蘋果日報, A35, 世界萬象
10. Try to sell gimick things to break record, eg,
焗豆逐粒賣 2006-01-19, 蘋果日報, A35, 世界萬象
40元善長電影留名 2006-01-29, 東方日報, A29, 國際
Try to sell your homework/ help other to do homework at a price....
it's a big business~ I heard a real case b4~ A guy earned US$60000 in his campus life. haha
yes, students always have $$ to dispense.