Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Monday, February 05, 2007
5-2-2006 讀報
9:15 PM
Just discovered that I have bought Confessions of an economic hit man for more than 1.5 year, but til now do I kick it off! The chinese version is in market now. Quite interesting and thrilling.
百萬網民合撰維基式小說 英大型出版商挑戰傳統文學創作 2007-02-05, 明報, A28, 國際
學者慨歎 學運已死「都怪港生唔爭氣」 2007-02-05, 蘋果日報, A07, 港聞
AV男優苦與樂2007-02-05, 新報, F02, 蘭桂坊, 新睇語言, 少怡
NGO管理人用CRM做好事 2007-02-05, 香港經濟日報, A45, 行政人員, 職業特攻隊, 陳沛芬
最后挽歌﹖手機電視欲終結傳統媒體 2007-02-05, 香港商報, A11, 世界經濟
團塊世代再生記 2007-02-05, 信報財經新聞, P41, 副刊, 面對面, 健吾
An idea a day:
64. Inconvenience ways to make $$ from virtually nothing via the Internet, part 3.
11. Collect as many jokes as you can over the internet, bundle them into one ebook, and try to sell them online. As they are no IP, it is ok to just copy and sell.
12. Download the funniest videos on you tube, then sell them as BT seeds or CDs.
13. Collect a lot of name cards, then sell them (especially those you dont like) online to marketing agencies, as title of people could provide backgrounds and make marketing work more targeted. Usually, they will be bombed by endless cold calls.
14. Share your wireless network with your neighour, earn a little to subsidize your IPS fee.
15. Collect things that you could easily get for free in HK, and try to sell oversea, eg. concert posters in MK, used stamps, coca-cola cans etc.
Collect things that you could easily get for free in HK, and try to sell oversea, eg. concert posters in MK, used stamps, coca-cola cans etc.
ya~ it's right~ it's one of the way. but, will u / i do it>< haha