Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

6-2-2006 讀報

8:50 PM

獲大獎6企業 各領風騷 2007-02-06, 文匯報, A19, 紫荊廣場
銀髮回收黨 2007-02-06, 都市日報, P20,P21, 焦點, 陳詩欣
小柏林大個仔考督察 2007-02-06, 蘋果日報, C02, 娛樂要聞
貼近群眾的設計師 2007-02-06, 信報財經新聞, P27, 副刊, 面對面, 健吾

An idea a day:
65. Inconvenience ways to make $$ from virtually nothing via the Internet, part 4, graduate edition.
16. Search and collect real people CV over the internet, and bundle them into a package, then sell to graduates. It could be a cheaper and more practical/ localized replacement for books like 101 Best Resumes etc. I will not tell you the method, but dont think it is rocket science. I have find many of my friends CV on the net, funny.

17. Go to join all CRE/EORE/AORE etc. gov recuitment exams, the focus is to remember and reproduce the paper. After you have collect a few years, try to workout the best solution, tips/hints, trends etc, and sell the whole package to other, everyone will be willing to try as ROI is high. After all, the written part is not the most difficult, the most difficult part is the grueling interview.

18. Search over the internet about tips, interview skills, mock interview dialogue/questions, organize them into meaningful sequence and theme, sell them to others.

19. For university societies/ registered companies, who wish to raise fund, sell certificate of contribution of some sort of great events/ programs or recommendation letters at a price, and get ready to give favourable response from calls of HR managers. You can not argue the importance of contribution from the buyer, because the $$ really contributes.

20. No matter which team win which competition, sell a list of contribution to this accomplishment at a price. Then buyers could cite the achievements in CV, this could help those "high mark fools" to give a balance image to potential employers, like No. 19, cross check by HR is ok.

21. Hold free/paid seminars in campus to fresh graduate, allege to teach skills on interviews, in mock interviews, make records of the real interview, pulish them into your website, hope the veido could generate profit.

22. Make a record on online appitute tests of big companies, like Big Fools, ibanks/ banks. Sell the pass-able answers or skills to other over the net. Or help others to do the tests and guaranteed 100% pass-rate at a price.


i guess, lack of principle is the key. most of your ideas focus on how to bring the result up. do you think so??
for point 12, i am already do similar thing in ebay, i sell old game, veido (H-vedio, :P), songs, etc, only BT seed.
Yes, for point 12, i got the idea from you.

lack of principle is the key, what do you really mean? You mean the whole thing should have a theme?

For that series, the result or theme is to use 1) an inconvenience ways 2) to make $$ 3) from virtually nothing 4) via the Internet, all these 4 point is the principle.

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