Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
8/10-2-2006 讀報
6:13 PM
Confessions of an economic hit man (5 days, read wiki is enough, similar idea by Noreena Hertz, The Debt Threat)
我要做生意 (1 hour, will know more about this creative man)
New and started:
Make Your Business Survive and Thrive!
Industrial Design A-Z
搵仔啟發 GPS波鞋面世 尋人意外無難度 每對2550元 2007-02-10, 香港經濟日報, A15, 國際動態, 謝媛彰
女司機設計《大富翁》式紙版遊戲 駕的士多Fun賺桶金2007-02-09, 太陽報, A42, 專題
生物感測創業中大生奪冠 2007-02-08, 東方日報, A28, 港聞
情人節商機大 奢華創意盡出 滬推38萬元酒店套餐 888元金玫瑰 2007-02-08, 香港經濟日報, A43, 內銷攻略, 浪漫經濟, 朱天韻
殺價超人王維基的競選商業智慧 2007-02-09, 香港經濟日報, A65, 企業管理, 商贏智慧, 陳靜汶
美FDA 首准減肥藥不用處方專家恐消費者貪快服過量 2007-02-09, 明報, A22, 健康
失敗者成功方程式 《陽光小小姐》《冒牌天子門生》 2007-02-08, 香港經濟日報, C19, 影碟, 鄧龍傑
What's on next - The future of television 10 February 2007, The Economist, ECN, 382, WB ←Joost!
Realsimplefurniture - Sell funiture that is easy to put together and requires absolutely no tools/screws for assembly
The Bubble Project - A man put over 50,000 speech bubble stickers around NYC commercial billbroads, letting others to writing funny commentary on it, then collect back all the works and pulish the result online.
The Ridiculous Business Jargon Dictionary - It is funny to see your senior use these words, wondering whether they really know the meaning.
An idea a day:
67. Setup a website providing interviews of HK famous CEOs.
The main purpose is not to provide contents to web visitors, the focus is to make friends with them.
People eager and willing to pay pretty much $$ for MBA, but most MBAs said the value is not in knowledge, is in the network. If there is a way for young people/graduate to bulid the relationship earlier, pay only disposable time and effort and achieve the same goal, will you deem this to be good?
Most of the CEOs are very busy with their stuffs, but when you are talking about sharing the vision, mission and value of themselves/ their companies, to youngsters/ fresh-grads/ students, they will be very willing to contribute, as they may think this is their social responsibility to do so.
If, in the course of interview, you could show your talents and wits to that CEO, at the same time, could impress him, then you will have an easy and bright future. The CEO may not give direct benefit to you, like hire you, but once get known and be friended with, it is natural for him to help you once in need, both in adversity or in prosperity, by sharing his knowledge or network with you.
If the website get popularity, it could also be a mean to provide publicity to interviewees.
There are some CEO interviews websites, one of the most intereting is
Thanks for your information, i know it long time ago, it is especially for the tech field, companies like, meebo etc are being interviewed.
Geart site!