Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
17-2-2006 讀報
8:28 AM
Make Your Business Survive and Thrive! (7 days, v. rich in resources, really worth time to read)
New and started:
Undercover economist
This month Business 2.0 is surely for those techies!
電子地圖反向應用 2007-02-17, 明報, D05, 時代, 十日談, 周日發
副學士涉非禮改口拒認罪 2007-02-17, 星島日報, A11, 法庭
天國人間未了情 2007-02-17, 大公報, C05, 小公園, 傳媒按摩, 黃子程
A cash call - The future of money - The future of money 17 February 2007, The Economist, ECN, 382, SB
If You Can't Beat 'Em ; Creative Technology, the MP3 pioneer, lost its battle with Apple. But accessorizing the iPod could be a profitable booby prize. 26 February 2007, Forbes, 52, Volume 179 Issue 4, Jessica Tan
The Next Net 25 Mar 2007, Business 2.0, Vol. 8, Iss. 2; p. 80 ←Best 25 web 2.0 startups
Building a Wiki World Mar 2007, Business 2.0, Vol. 8, Iss. 2; p. 102, Tom McNichol
Tech's New Kingmakers Mar 2007, Business 2.0, Vol. 8, Iss. 2; p. 18 ←MEET THE INFLUENTIAL INVESTORS THAT EVERY WEB 2.0 ENTREPRENEUR NEEDS TO KNOW
Art attack! - Just discovered that it has closed last year, my childhood has finally gone
SCORE - 60-Second Guides - How to guides
An idea a day:
71. Install vending machine of home-essentails in lifts of buliding in estates.
The vending machines could be selling juices/ cigarettes/ snacks/ pills/ condoms/ masks, just like those essentials in7-11.
The lift vending machine could shorten the distance between users and commodities, people just have to walk in the lift, without walking out, they could buy the things they need. In mid-night while the traffic isnt big, you could hold the open door button and buy thing at the same time, then after you get the products, you could walk back at the shortest time and distance. This could only be possible if every floors would have a machine, the lift-vending machine could safe the number.
Lifts are a confined area that you will have a close encounter at least 2 times a day. Without any thing to do while waiting inside a lift, users could easily be attracted to the machine and buy things. This is a advantage over putting machine in the lobby, for which people may have to detour, in order to approach it.
Buying inside the lift could also provide privacy in non-peak hours, as only few need travel in lifts. In this way, you could buy these little things without dressing and makeuping, reducing inconvenience.
This idea is just for fun, dont take it so serious!
man, I read "我要做生意" la~ it's really useful. Mr. Tsing states many ideas. Great^^ Thx for sharing