Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Monday, March 26, 2007

26-3-2006 讀報

8:49 PM

撼動華爾街的華人四高手 2007-03-26, 香港商報, A12, 人物
大學財金系準畢業生搶手 畢業前3個月已獲聘書 平均年薪逾30萬 2007-03-26, 文匯報, A34, 教育
零售新勢力攻中環 2007-03-26, 香港經濟日報, A10, 新聞特寫, 曾桂芬、何美華、伍詠詩
明星制掛帥 培訓市場爭餅戰 2007-03-26, 香港經濟日報, A41, 行政人員, 07商機, 黃穎頤、伍狄奇


Hey Tim,

It's a pretty good idea to sift through the news articles of HK. Just one question, how to you manage to read two books a week and being so consistent in doing that? Have you learn how to "speed read"? Or you simply spend a lot of time on Audio books?

Sam (it is my real name)

If you are determined, with a little wits, no things can't be accomplished.

About the "speed read" thing, there are techiques, but people have their own ways in doing things, the same techique may not apply to everyone.

But once you get hold, practice makes perfect, and that is.

I have try some audio books, but I like reading more.

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