Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

27-3-2006 讀報

8:34 PM


記事本圓夢計畫 (1 day)
作者:熊谷正壽 / 出版社:商周出版 / 出版日期:2007 年 01 月 11 日

OK Go短片奪YouTube大獎 隨節拍跑步機跳舞 最創意 2007-03-27, 香港經濟日報, A24, 國際焦點, 陳國勳、黎卓賢、韓嘉恩
十八歲少年發明記憶外語方法42小時記憶1000個英文生字 2007-03-27, am730, M10, 新聞
蔗糖製電池 汽水驅動手機 2007-03-27, 星島日報, A31, 國際
戰機機師背負引擎 享受鳥兒樂趣「火箭人」展翅飛行四分鐘 2007-03-27, 成報, B12, 國際新聞
接手機廣告可免電話費 2007-03-27, 星島日報, A31, 國際
叫床鈴聲13萬人下載 2007-03-27, 蘋果日報, A25, 兩岸要聞 ←"晌大陸一人比一蚊你就會發達" 都不是一定錯!
Zara未出撒手 2007-03-27, 蘋果日報, B18, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
紅酒期貨的投資價值 2007-03-27, 信報財經新聞, P35, 經濟.企管, 經管錦言, 周灝

An idea a day:
91. Develop a pressdisplay style for salty magazines around the world.
Pressdisplay allow a users to view over 100 titles of newspapers as if they are reading the actual one.

Thanks to BT and free photo/video porn sites, salty magazines market, like playboy is shrinking now, with less and less subscriptors.

The website is of course not the favorite of boys, but it should be a great attraction, if they could pay one fee and browse a bundle of quality salty magazines around the world.

This could let boys to explore to different magazines freely, which may not even be able to explore and get known, providing a seeding chance for loyalty development.

To liberal/culture study purpose, it provides a great source of local sub-culture material, in order to have a in-depth comparison among them.


waiting to read yr idea ~
stand up
Sure I will.

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