Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Friday, March 30, 2007

29/31-3-2006 讀報

9:01 PM

德國遭遇「腦力流失」之痛 2007-03-30 大公報 A20, 大公評論, 世界 觀察, 張夢
「職業圓謊族」 成偷情幫兇 2007-03-29 文匯報 A28, 神州大地
未來遊戲結合腦神經 2007-03-29 信報財經新聞 P46, 經濟.企管, 傳承與壯大, 何華真
愚人節惡作劇意粉樹稱冠 2007-03-30 明報 A35, 國際.Fun明
少年股神遭證監檢控 2007-03-30 太陽報 B04, 財經新聞
廉價網上勞工 2007-03-29 信報財經新聞 P32, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
歐洲品牌 不死策略 Challenges of European brands 2007-03-30 香港經濟日報 A62, 行政人員, Global Watcher, 黃穎頤
愛得太遲周永健 2007-03-29 壹週刊 A082, 財經, 財經人物

An idea a day:
93. Being Hired! - One stop for all good jobs in Hong Kong.
There are a handful of databases in Hong Kong providing job listing services, eg. Jobmarket, Recruit, JiuJik etc.

If job seekers wish to scout and exhaust all these sources, for the sake of not missing any job opportunities, they may find it gruelling, as there are really a number of them.

To mininize the searching time and efficiency, I have written up a simple website (may be too simple) called Being Hired! which could let you to search jobs through all the biggest job databases in HK.

Entering the website, you will find a text box, put in the job position you want, then select the database and search. That is.

If you find it interesting/ helpful or want to suggest improvements, please leave comment!


Hey guys, the application is terrific!
Should be useful in HK, as there are virtually no job aggregators as in US.
It is really the fastest way to have a job search, but may be you could include some useful link in the front page, provide more information to visitors.

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