Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Friday, June 01, 2007

30/2-5/6-2007 讀報

11:22 PM

Making Sense: Philosophy Behind the Headlines
Julian Baggini / Publisher: Oxford Paperbacks (30 Sep 2003) / 5 days

中大畢業生月薪5年新高 平均逾15200元就業率98% 2007-06-01 香港商報 B01, 香港新聞
聽歌新趨勢 USB唱片創先河 方便快捷 網上歌曲下載商機大 2007-05-31 香港經濟日報 A11, 商業, 馮穎欣
解謎王貽興 2007-05-30 FACE 週刊 F096, 娛樂, 面對面
「創投慈善」 社企商業革命 2007-06-02 香港經濟日報 A19, 國是港事, 五分鐘聽講座, 黃雅麗 本報記者
網絡色情陷阱 請君入甕 陪酒女郎專職哄騙 月掠百萬 2007-06-02 香港經濟日報 A19, 中國專題, 陳子凌
車廂故事 2007-06-02 蘋果日報 E12, 名采論壇, 黃金冒險號, 陶傑
韓裔創23億元域名王國 借打錯字.com變.cm 登入廣告網 2007-06-01 香港經濟日報 A23, 國際動態, 吳穎文 ←都幾得意!
經典大學生惡作劇 2007-06-02 明報 D05, 時代, 女人心, 陳惜姿
天鵝肉商天娥 2007-05-31 壹週刊 B062, 娛樂名人, 豪語錄

Idea a day:
97. Another application of bubble index-like index to the stock market - relative strength.
The principle of bubble index is to count the number of articles containing a certain kind of wording. Actually you could compare the number of articles having contrasting words to show the relative strength on both sides.

In practice, you could count articles having wording like "buying", "買入", "追價", etc. On the other side you could search for wording like "selling", "沽", in addition, you could also search for "hold", "楂" etc.

When you compare the number, you will know which side is stronger and reflecting the buying /selling /holding signal from the crowds.

For 2 Jun 07, the relative strength of buy : sell : hold is 100 : 86 : 224.

(This index is not so representive as there could be a wide range of wording to represent actions of buy /sell /hold in the stock market, and I could not exhaust all the possibility, in order to have a total account.)


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