Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Sunday, July 15, 2007
15-7-2007 讀報
8:16 AM
Founders at Work: Stories of Startups’ Early Days
Jessica Livingston / Publisher: Apress (January 22, 2007) / More than 10 days...
The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists
Neil Strauss / Publisher: Regan Books (September 6, 2005)
Confessions of a Wall Street Analyst: A True Story of Inside Information and Corruption in the Stock Market
Daniel Reingold (Author), Jennifer Reingold / Publisher: Collins (February 7, 2006)
Capitalism at the crossroads : the unlimited business opportunities in solving the world's most difficult problems
Stuart L. Hart. / Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Wharton School, c2005.
How to change the world : social entrepreneurs and the power of new ideas
David Bornstein. / Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2004.
Done deals : venture capitalists tell their stories
edited by Udayan Gupta. / Boston : Harvard Business School Press, c2000.
神奇噴霧治怕醜 2007-07-15 明報 A21, 國際Fun明
神秘人上載鹹片極速擴散4 年來發布4600 套電影難打擊 2007-07-15 明報 A04, 港聞, 特稿
手勢化作訊號 看電視免遙控器 2007-07-15 文匯報 C05, 副刊趣知廊
自動吸塵機頻死火迷途未能代勞家務消費者怨添麻煩 2007-07-15 蘋果日報 E07, 服務
The greatest economic boom ever July 12 2007, Fortune, Rik Kirkland