Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
20/25-8-2007 讀報
8:26 AM 2 comments
Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die
Chip Heath, Dan Heath / Publisher: Random House (January 2, 2007) / 5 days
Pitch Yourself: Stand Out from the CV Crowd with a Personal Elevator Pitch (Paperback)
Bill Faust , Michael Faust / Publisher: Financial Times/ Prentice Hall (19 Jun 2002) / 2 hours
Why Smart Executives Fail: And What You Can Learn from Their Mistakes
Sydney Finkelstein / Publisher: Portfolio Hardcover (May 29, 2003)
The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed
Mystery , Lovedrop , Neil Strauss / Publisher: St. Martin's Press (February 6, 2007)
Google books by Commerical Press HK - you can find selected books published between 2006-2007 in the link!
納米環保廁所 糞便變肥料 2007-08-25 香港經濟日報 A20, 港聞
拯救商場平民 《Heroes》式創意 2007-08-24 香港經濟日報 A50, 行政人員, Global Watcher, 丹妮絲
蝙蝠俠Iron Man 明年暑假開戰 2007-08-24 香港經濟日報 C20, 電影, 鄧龍傑
舊式茶樓也曾有過風光歲月 2007-08-23 文匯報 C02, 副刊采風, 百家廊, 文滿林
Oregon Scientific 跨文化取靈感 堅持想用家所想 2007-08-23 香港經濟日報 A16, 大視野闖成功路專輯, 林映雪
女士「企廁」小解 免排長龍之苦 2007-08-23 香港經濟日報 A34, 港聞
「豆腐渣」逼業主棄供? 2007-08-23 信報財經新聞 P24, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
4種創新 2007-08-21 香港經濟日報 A34, 企業管理, 管理技巧, 李如虹
穿越時空的二手書香 2007-08-24 飲食男女 ET081, World Walkers, 今日去邊
110本中文書 兩成內容上載Google商務電子書藉試閱測反應 2007-08-23 明報 B08, 經濟, 胡幗詠
禁不住的粗口 2007-08-20 香港經濟日報 C05, 閱讀, 謝傲霜
Longing for your update for so long!
an inter-resting post. good job.
i want to know, it thsi post only talk about chinese or HK culture?
because in US, everyone will use "fuck", like "fuck up" = borken, bad, wrong. "fuck off" = "get off my way"
they use it every day, everywhere. just like a normal phase. and i don't feel they has those meaning the article talked about.
i think, may be our culture, think, sex is dirty.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
19-8-2007 讀報
6:15 PM 4 comments
Yesterday was the 3rd anniversay for me to be with Cynthia, and she choosed 顏福偉's 愛多80年 to be our theme song...
I immediately think of, after 80 years, what will she be? Will she be pretty (if applicable)? Will she be rich? Que sera, sera.
Confessions of a Wall Street Analyst: A True Story of Inside Information and Corruption in the Stock Market
Daniel Reingold (Author), Jennifer Reingold / Publisher: Collins (February 7, 2006) / More than a month
Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die
Chip Heath, Dan Heath / Publisher: Random House (January 2, 2007)
The World's Greatest Architecture: Past and Present
D. M. Field / Publisher: Book Sales (August 2001)
一場令亞洲年輕人發燒的 交響情人夢 2007-08-19 明報 P22, 讀書, 流行閱讀, 潘詩韻
Hey, long time no see!!
you still mainly focus on fiance and celebrity. :D but well, what is more important than that in HK?
your email seem shutted down.
take care and goodluck
Ryan in San Francisco
fiance -> Finance
Good to see you, when you come back ar? Hope you could find hot babe in SF la.
I am really extremely busy recently, not even have the time to think for fun things to do.
Find me if you come back!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
13/18-8-2007 讀報
9:05 AM 0 comments
The Accidental Investment Banker: Inside the Decade that Transformed Wall Street
Jonathan A. Knee / Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (July 27, 2006)/ More than 10 days...
手機理財 新貴突圍 2007-08-17 信報財經新聞 P24, 理財投資
騷胸22問 2007-08-17 Me!週刊 ME062, fashion feature ←女士們注意!
打造一流大學畢業生 2007-08-16 香港經濟日報 C14, 寫意, 港心講心, 陳茂波
港生創網誌 登全球41大 2007-08-15 香港經濟日報 A32, 國是港事, 五分鐘聽一席話, 黃雅麗 本報記者 ←del.icio.us都串錯
天生企業家 不是李澤楷的太傅 2007-08-13 蘋果日報 B05, 財經要聞
環球片場:肥仔積自製經典救市Cult到噴飯 2007-08-16 蘋果日報 C19, 國際娛樂, 環球片場
孔少林:贏錢要三戒三學 2007-08-13 蘋果日報 B15, 金錢要理
Sunday, August 12, 2007
12-8-2007 讀報
11:01 AM 0 comments
It's been a long time since my last finished books...
發明軟件助文盲閱讀 泰大學生創意贏19.5萬 2007-08-12 太陽報 A29, 國際
少年C的路 2007-08-12 明報 P10,P11, 周日話題, 健吾
9 歲神童為救兄跳級圓兄牛津夢甘赴英讀中六 2007-08-12 明報 A08, 港聞
台灣人最想馬英九伴讀 2007-08-12 明報 P22, 讀書, 焦點書坊, 唐浩
台最大書店拖數遭杯葛 2007-08-12 東方日報 A31, 兩岸
Procter & Gamble: Will she, won't she? Aug 9th 2007, The Economist print edition, CINCINNATI
Saturday, August 11, 2007
6/11 - 8 讀報
9:26 AM 0 comments
U仔的出路 2007-08-09 壹週刊 A080, 時事, 壹號專題
搭訕老人 2007-08-11 香港經濟日報 C13, 心情, 雲海漫遊, 藍海寧
天才家庭哥哥12歲入牛津 9歲神童讀浸大 2007-08-10 蘋果日報 A01, 要聞, 頭條
顏福偉炮轟無打壓陳志雲自言支持白花油 2007-08-07 明報 C03, 娛樂, 唐嘉晞、柯美
Sunday, August 05, 2007
3/5 - 8 讀報
10:18 AM 0 comments
政府招聘三職位 2007-08-04 蘋果日報 A18, 港聞
前老闆:明星效應多人學 2007-08-04 明報 A06, 港聞
顏福偉佛心起火不熄 2007-08-03 明報 D03, 副刊, 江穎欣
Saturday, August 04, 2007
30/2 - 7/8 讀報
8:50 AM 1 comments
A really sad news for me:
Stan Yan has end his funny and wiseful trader comics - Tickle Tape!
The Accidental Investment Banker: Inside the Decade that Transformed Wall Street
Jonathan A. Knee / Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (July 27, 2006)
應徵空姐講內涵 2007-08-02 明報 F03, 增值跳板, 面試突圍系列, 梁以祈
留守美國 首名10A狀元創業夢碎 2007-08-02 蘋果日報 A14,A15, 港聞
補習「經紀」大激鬥 2007-08-02 壹週刊 A106, 財經, 壹盤生意
港大城大科大淫網集團 2007-08-02 壹週刊 A046, 時事, 封面故事
還說貧窮為什麼? 2007-07-31 信報財經新聞 P41, 副刊, 面對面, 健吾
Thx Stan for your comment, I really think your comics is truely funny, and add a lot of fun to my prevoius stressful trader life.
Thanks so much for your kind words about my comic. Unfortunately, it ceased being an updating daily feature at the end of July, since the newsletter that was carrying it was discontinued. The site contains 3 years of archives, each strip available for reprint -- just let me know. If you're interested in new, original updating material for your own site, let me know... the Tickle Tape is looking for a new sponsor!