Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Saturday, August 04, 2007
30/2 - 7/8 讀報
8:50 AM
A really sad news for me:
Stan Yan has end his funny and wiseful trader comics - Tickle Tape!
The Accidental Investment Banker: Inside the Decade that Transformed Wall Street
Jonathan A. Knee / Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (July 27, 2006)
應徵空姐講內涵 2007-08-02 明報 F03, 增值跳板, 面試突圍系列, 梁以祈
留守美國 首名10A狀元創業夢碎 2007-08-02 蘋果日報 A14,A15, 港聞
補習「經紀」大激鬥 2007-08-02 壹週刊 A106, 財經, 壹盤生意
港大城大科大淫網集團 2007-08-02 壹週刊 A046, 時事, 封面故事
還說貧窮為什麼? 2007-07-31 信報財經新聞 P41, 副刊, 面對面, 健吾
Thx Stan for your comment, I really think your comics is truely funny, and add a lot of fun to my prevoius stressful trader life.
Thanks so much for your kind words about my comic. Unfortunately, it ceased being an updating daily feature at the end of July, since the newsletter that was carrying it was discontinued. The site contains 3 years of archives, each strip available for reprint -- just let me know. If you're interested in new, original updating material for your own site, let me know... the Tickle Tape is looking for a new sponsor!