Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

30-9-2007 讀報

8:33 AM 5 comments

為創業而創業的男人 2007-09-30 太陽報 E10, 娛閒, 黃擎天
網上淫:內褲拔河超爆笑 2007-09-30 蘋果日報 G01, 夜生活 ←不喜勿入!
變形蟲食腦髓殺六人 2007-09-30 東方日報 A27, 國際
10行業恐10年內絕蹟 2007-09-30 東方日報 A26, 國際

There is one point that I feel v. funny: The oldies station plays stuff that you dont know because it's too new!


i have a question. Can you remember the detail and inspiration from each book you had read??

coz you read a lot. some how, it is too many. yes, reading is the most brilliant hobby, but , just like eating healthy food --- a lot does not mean good. you also need some time to digest and transform the knowledge to your own skill.

anyway, keep on reading. :)
Yes, you are right. A lot may not nescessarily means good.

I forget almost all the ideas once I close the book, just like students finished exams.

But I dont take reading too utilitarian, if you think reading is a leisure, or a way to relax, then everything does not matter.

Besides, reading to me like a mind gym, it could keep mind in good condition and keep challeging existing and may be outdated mindsets.
Haha, i like "mind gym", the idea :D great!!

moreover, the article "為創業而創業的男人" raised up a question:

why we 創業?? if 為創業而創業 is no good. is it a nature of man?? in what conditions, in what mind set, people want to 創業? well, this is a good Blog topic for interview entrepreneurs. by the way, how many ideas we collected so far?? and how many were started?? :P
suddenly, an idea comeout:

make a poll in your blog!

i can't make that, coz i knew only few people visit. but you are NOT!

try to make a poll each day ;)
Good good, let's find some time to eat out!

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Saturday, September 29, 2007

24/29-9-2007 讀報 (Week 39)

9:45 AM 1 comments

Felt a little sick again.

Yesterday eat out with Jacky and Yuleun, my primary school friends, we have known over 10 years, how time flies.

Finished: (38th in 2007, 173 in total since 2005)
500 Ways To Change The World
Global Ideas Bank / Publisher: Collins (3 Oct 2005) / 3 weeks

落入凡間的天使——AO 神話與陳方安生 2007-09-27 明報 A35, 觀點, 精裝君王論, 蔡子強
「陳太包袱多 勞永樂嫌過火」 辯論過招 學者指兩者表現欠理想 2007-09-25 香港經濟日報 A28, 政情, 港島補選, 周穎雯、羅善柱
年薪三級跳 料達300萬 大學校長年薪大公開 2007-09-28 香港經濟日報 A34, 教育
農夫瘦田冇人耕 2007-09-25 東Touch A200, On air


Take good care boy!

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Sunday, September 23, 2007

23-9-2007 讀報

10:43 AM 0 comments

麻省理工女生穿「炸彈衣」闖機場 2007-09-23 蘋果日報 A20, 環球焦點
荷蘭風情:陪睡妹賣暖不賣身 2007-09-23 東方日報 E02, 后樂園
討厭做才子 更怕搞政治 沈旭暉獨愛舊書中尋樂 2007-09-23 星島日報 Z04, 名人對話


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Saturday, September 22, 2007

17/22-9-2007 讀報 (Week 38)

10:17 AM 0 comments

Meet with Angela and Allen on Thursday and Friday, said more PTH in these 2 day than my past 23 years, quite funny experience, learn more about China.

I have emailed them for about a few months for business matter, but not meet since yesterday. And because of my writing style, they and all their collegues think that I am an 40-50 something guy, which is extremely serious. Once they saw me, all of them feel surprised.

Since then, I start to believe writing style really give people impression on personality. I need some change in that matter.

New: (64/65th in 2007, 274 since 2005)
Wall Street Meat: Jack Grubman, Frank Quattrone, Mary Meeker, Henry Blodget and me
Andy Kessler / Publisher: Escape Velocity Press (March 17, 2003)
Perfect Phrases for Business Letters
Ken O'Quinn / Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1 edition (November 23, 2005)

高等教育的地域跨越 2007-09-21 信報財經新聞 P21, 時事評論, 教育評論, 程介明
專業地發展創投基金 2007-09-20 信報財經新聞 P53, 副刊, 蘭芳
潮流普通話 你又知多少? 2007-09-20 香港經濟日報 SB3, 進修增值專輯, 李浩榮
魔道 無法勝有法 2007-09-20 信報財經新聞 P28, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
TCI主席 激進羅賓漢? 2007-09-20 香港經濟日報 A12, 新聞特寫
基金伏擊戰 港府心驚 TCI攻德交所 「要換入米奇老鼠都可以」 2007-09-20 香港經濟日報 A12, 新聞特寫
金融傳道人錢志健 2007-09-20 壹週刊 A118, 財經, 大錢題
盛智文因了解愛香港 2007-09-17 明報 F01, 中英通通識, 楊淑敏
Job Interview Brainteasers Sep 2007, Business 2.0, Vol. 8, Iss. 8; p. 35, Michael Kaplan

I need some inspiration...and a little courage.


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Tuesday, September 18, 2007

左腦 VS 右腦

9:40 PM 6 comments

你看到的美女是順時針還是逆時針轉動 ?

順時針轉的話 , 屬於是用右腦較多的類型
大部分人的眼裡裡是逆時針方向轉動 , 但也有人看來是順時針方向轉動的 .
順時針的情況 , 女性比男性多 ~
逆時針轉動的 , 突然變成順時針的話 , IQ 是 160 以上 !!!
試試吧 !~~~

I am on the contrary, I see right turn first, then left turn. Do it meaning I am the opposite of genius?

The crack:
1. 順時鐘轉還逆時鐘轉?有趣的錯覺part1
2. 順時鐘轉還逆時鐘轉?有趣的錯覺part2
3. 順時鐘轉還逆時鐘轉?有趣的錯覺part3


me too...

clockwise first, then suddenly anti-clockwise...
I got a funny experience, When i stared into the animation, no matter how hard i try, it looks rotating clockwise. Nothing change for next ten minutes and i was almost giving it up. Suddenly when i focus on a spot above the picture , now i am able to "see" the reverse rotation. I don't know what the theory behind. But a human brain sure is amazing structure. Thanks!
Hey, i am BACK and BLACK. Back 2 days ago and Black 2 mouth ago. :D

it is funny that i saw a virating motion, she is facing me and swing :O however, if she is color nake girl, i can't see but imagine ;P

well, lets have a meeting on nect week, are you free??
concentrate on the reflection at the bottom you'll see the woman rotating on both direction
Thanks for your crack!!!

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Sunday, September 16, 2007

10/16-9-2007 讀報 (Week 37)

9:46 AM 0 comments

Yesterday is the first time since college to be a social work volunteer. Afterward have a good chat and dinner with my best friend in university, Jacky, a day to remember.

New: (62/63th in 2007, 202 in total since 2005)
1001 Funniest Things Ever Said (1001)
Steven D. Price / Publisher: The Lyons Press (November 1, 2006)
High probability trading : take the steps to become a successful trader
Marcel Link. / New York : McGraw-Hill, c2003.

Finished: (37th in 2007, 172 in total since 2005)
How to change the world : social entrepreneurs and the power of new ideas
David Bornstein. / Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2004. / 3 days

It would be better to keep a barometer of reading, to keep monitoring the progress.

Year target would be 52/year, at which 1/week. I could still meet this target by now, although I am crazy busy with my work.

日另類旅團做一日空姐 2007-09-16 太陽報 A31, 國際
案內人隨筆:搜救行動2.0 2007-09-14 蘋果日報 B18, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
國金眺望:跟大佬 2007-09-14 蘋果日報 B18, 財經要聞, 國金眺望, 方卓如
免費網上服務的困局 2007-09-11 信報財經新聞 P37, 副刊, 解碼, 狄高
派報紙請你睇 2007-09-15 蘋果日報 E08, 名采論壇, GG細語, 左丁山
水手義工大公關盛智文 2007-09-13 壹週刊 A066, 時事, 非常人語
經營有道 2007-09-12 香港經濟日報 A38, 企業管理, 企業大國手, 陳淑儀


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Saturday, September 15, 2007

10/15-9-2007 讀報

11:12 AM 0 comments

The Extreme Future: The Top Trends That Will Reshape the World for the Next 5, 10, and 20 Years
James Canton / Publisher: Dutton Adult (September 21, 2006)

When I am reading in the mid part of Extreme Future, there is a interview I find very funny, James interviewed our ex-CE Tung Chi Wah about the future / democracy of China!

甘乃威的啟示 2007-09-15 明報 A06, 港聞, 筆陣, 梁文道
不黐手香口膠遇水自動分解 2007-09-15 明報 A23, 國際, 萬花筒
留意個人收入 洞察經濟盛衰 2007-09-15 香港經濟日報 B18, 投資, 書中自有黃金屋
福布斯富豪發史 天書揭秘 2007-09-15 香港經濟日報 A14, 國際動態, 財經故事, 高碧斯
七種最易創業方式 2007-09-14 信報財經新聞 P24, 理財投資, 投資網聞
從政如入娛樂圈 年輕人要面皮厚 2007-09-13 香港經濟日報 A39, 國是港事, 五分鐘聽一席話, 黃雅麗 本報記者
你夠拼命嗎? 2007-09-13 壹週刊 A158, 專欄, 事實與偏見, 黎智英
億萬補習天王活用經濟學炒樓 2007-09-13 壹週刊 A098, 財經, 一個人在商場


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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A break!

9:49 PM 1 comments

How to change the world : social entrepreneurs and the power of new ideas
David Bornstein. / Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2004. / 3 days

Not so good as expected, lacking the stickiness and passion as leaving microsoft to change the world.


Agree, I have finished it a year ago. The book is quite resourceful, but too factual, sometimes boring.

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Sunday, September 09, 2007

9-9-2007 讀報

9:20 AM 0 comments

矽谷銀主盤大批湧現 2007-09-09 蘋果日報 B04, 金錢要理, 矽谷手記, 阿股
踏上成功路 袁偉豪浴火重生 2007-09-09 太陽報 E16, 娛閒, 袁案、周鳳儀
我永遠對金錢飢渴 2007-09-09 明報 P22, 讀書, 我的故事, 曹仁超
十大愚笨管理事件 2007-09-01 茶杯 70, feature_worst, 七刻
新思維遇上舊腦袋 2007-09-01 茶杯 66, human, 歐贊年


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Saturday, September 08, 2007

3/8-9-2007 讀報

9:12 AM 0 comments

Design: An Illustrated Historical Overview
Thomas Hauffe / Publisher: Barron's Educational Series; 1st ed. for the U.S. and Canada edition (September 1, 1996)
How to change the world : social entrepreneurs and the power of new ideas
David Bornstein. / Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2004.
Microtrends: The Small Forces Behind Tomorrow's Big Changes
Mark Penn, E. Kinney Zalesne / Publisher: Twelve (September 5, 2007)

加拿大的投資最痛 2007-09-08 信報財經新聞 P07, 時事評論, 楓葉國隨筆, 張美珍
殘障商機 市值10萬億 Disabled Market Worth Millions 2007-09-07 香港經濟日報 A41, 行政人員, Global Watcher
Kim Robinson:曲髮當道 2007-09-07 蘋果日報 E07, 完美主義
「蓋茨都跟我扶貧」 微軟前高層 為貧童獻一生 2007-09-07 香港經濟日報 A10, 新聞特寫, 張少貞、劉德欣
港大新科技 助警方破案研製出「影像搜尋器」 查閉路電視畫面快而準 2007-09-06 文匯報 A26, 新聞透視眼
描咪朱 2007-09-06 蘋果日報 E10, One fine day
捕捉小趨勢發掘大商機 2007-09-05 信報財經新聞 P24, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
時薪25000美元的「礦工」 2007-09-06 信報財經新聞 P24, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
恐懼貪婪以外的投資心理陷阱 2007-09-03 明報 B11, 經濟, 財經書評, 陸振球


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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A break!

9:36 PM 0 comments

500 Ways To Change The World
Global Ideas Bank / Publisher: Collins (3 Oct 2005)
作者:郭一帆 / 出版社:三思堂 / 出版日期:2007年08月10日


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Sunday, September 02, 2007

2-9-2007 讀報

10:12 AM 2 comments

Yesterday is the sport day of my company, it's the first time to play with all the marketing/shipping boys and girls, truely funny gathering.

China Shakes the World: A Titan's Rise and Troubled Future -- and the Challenge for America
James Kynge / Publisher: Houghton Mifflin (September 27, 2006)

It seems strange for a chinese boy to read foreign books to know more about the motherland.

食肆創業 最緊要輸得起 2007-09-02 東方日報 F02, 副刊
冷門亦通財富路另類行業闖新天 2007-09-02 文匯報 A06, 新聞專題
朱家鼎──我所知道的 2007-09-02 蘋果日報 E08, 名采論壇, 字作廣告電影, 畢明(廣告腦作總監影評人)
溫馨提示 勿幫襯尋歡黑店 2007-09-02 東方日報 A25, 國際


Can you make orange day RSS possible??
You could use Feedburner on the right column.

Have you come back?

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Saturday, September 01, 2007

26/1-8/9-2007 讀報

8:27 AM 0 comments

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists
Neil Strauss / Publisher: William Morrow (September 6, 2005) / Over 2 months

網企初生犢 香江候躍龍門 2007-09-01 香港經濟日報 A23, 國是港事, 五分鐘聽一席話, 黃雅麗 本報記者
飛機裝降傘火箭防墜機發明獲國家專利 2007-09-01 蘋果日報 A18, 網上中國
Forbes百大最有權女性佔7席中國女性抬頭 吳儀第2位陳馮富珍第37位 2007-09-01 蘋果日報 A22, 國際新聞 ←想食軟飯既朋友請注意!
野史廚房:史上最強3種防蟑螂廚櫃 2007-08-31 蘋果日報 E02, 家事快樂
四十年目睹金融風暴現象 2007-08-30 壹週刊 A136, 專欄, 無定向風, 楊懷康


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