Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
左腦 VS 右腦
9:40 PM
你看到的美女是順時針還是逆時針轉動 ?
順時針轉的話 , 屬於是用右腦較多的類型
大部分人的眼裡裡是逆時針方向轉動 , 但也有人看來是順時針方向轉動的 .
順時針的情況 , 女性比男性多 ~
逆時針轉動的 , 突然變成順時針的話 , IQ 是 160 以上 !!!
試試吧 !~~~
I am on the contrary, I see right turn first, then left turn. Do it meaning I am the opposite of genius?
The crack:
1. 順時鐘轉還逆時鐘轉?有趣的錯覺part1
2. 順時鐘轉還逆時鐘轉?有趣的錯覺part2
3. 順時鐘轉還逆時鐘轉?有趣的錯覺part3
me too...
clockwise first, then suddenly anti-clockwise...
I got a funny experience, When i stared into the animation, no matter how hard i try, it looks rotating clockwise. Nothing change for next ten minutes and i was almost giving it up. Suddenly when i focus on a spot above the picture , now i am able to "see" the reverse rotation. I don't know what the theory behind. But a human brain sure is amazing structure. Thanks!
Hey, i am BACK and BLACK. Back 2 days ago and Black 2 mouth ago. :D
it is funny that i saw a virating motion, she is facing me and swing :O however, if she is color nake girl, i can't see but imagine ;P
well, lets have a meeting on nect week, are you free??
concentrate on the reflection at the bottom you'll see the woman rotating on both direction
Thanks for your crack!!!