Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Saturday, December 01, 2007
25/1-11/12-2007 讀報 (Week 47)
10:08 AM
Don't try to work late in the office, it will become a habit...
A new book titled The 4-Hour Workweek is super attractive to me, who work at least 60 hrs per week (if not more).
The Religion War
Scott Adams / Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (September 1, 2004)
God's Debris: A Thought Experiment
Scott Adams / Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (September 1, 2004)
I have read God's Debris a few years ago, and it is very inspirational! I just haven't noticed that Scott has published a sequel, The Religion War.
Finished: (48th in 2007, 183 in total since 2005)
Business Cycles: History, Theory and Investment Reality
Lars Tvede / Publisher: Wiley; 3 edition (June 13, 2006) / 7 days
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