Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

7/13-1-2007 讀報 (Week 2)

9:20 AM

I will be in HKU lib today to do company research, if you happen to be there, please call me!

New: (1/2/3rd in 2008, 291 since 2005)
The Funniest Thing You Never Said: The Ultimate Collection of Humorous Quotations
Rosemarie Jarski / Publisher: Ebury Press (4 Nov 2004)
A Year Without "Made in China": One Family's True Life Adventure in the Global Economy
Sara Bongiorni / Publisher: Wiley (June 29, 2007)
The Radical Leap: A Personal Lesson in Extreme Leadership
Steve Farber / Publisher: Kaplan Business (April 1, 2004)

香港第三代不一樣的世代 2008-01-13 亞洲週刊 P41, 書介
他們也有性愛人權 2008-01-13 明報 P30, 讀書, 另類書, 郝明義
男人的貞節牌坊 2008-01-13 亞洲週刊 P44, 一夫當關, 林沛理
為二手書尋歸宿 資源共享 2008-01-12 香港經濟日報 C07, 綠色生活, 周美好
文史哲書店為冷門書覓知音 2008-01-11 星島日報 A18, 每日雜誌, 創業教室
追星教授梁款 2008-01-10 壹週刊 A062, 時事, 非常人語
英婦出書:高潮詞典 2008-01-09 蘋果日報 A18, 世界萬象
洞悉會計天仙局 2008-01-09 am730 M22, 財經, 胡孟青.談財經, 胡孟青
機構投資者仍然跑輸散戶 2008-01-10 信報財經新聞 P14, 時事評論, 林行止專欄, 林行止


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