Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

12-2-2007 讀報 (Week 7)

10:51 AM

Fed ratio:
2008 week 6: 539 vs 96 = 5.61

Can Circuit City Survive Boss's Cure? 11 February 2008, The Wall Street Journal, B1, By Gary McWilliams
Publisher Tests Selling by the Chapter 11 February 2008, The Wall Street Journal, B7, Media & Marketing, By Jeffrey A. Trachtenberg
「陰謀論者」的廣告 2008-02-12 信報財經新聞 P36, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
日公司首推失戀有薪假期 2008-02-12 明報 A24, 世界
阿嬌稱自己「好傻」但「已經長大」 2008-02-12 都市日報 P01, 要聞, 頭條
「博客」出書網民圓作家夢 2008-02-12 大公報 A08, 港聞, 特寫

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