Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
4/6-2-2007 讀報 (Week 6)
10:24 AM
I have bought an apartment last Dec for lease, in order to monitor HK market speculation on the Fed rate trend before next FOMC meetings (18 Mar), I will include a weekly ratio on public opinion of Fed rate decrease vs increase published in all printed press in HK.
Fed ratio:
2008 week 1: 912 vs 92 = 9.91
2008 week 2: 1229 vs 120 = 10.24
2008 week 3: 1143 vs 145 = 9.95
2008 week 4: 1844 vs 112 = 16.46 (On 22 Jan unscheduled, fed rate -.75 to 3.50)
2008 week 5: 1839 vs 102 = 18.03 (On 30 Jan, fed rate -.50 to 3.00)
I will sell once the rate trend is turning!
As the apartment is of the low price sector, thus rate flucturation of 30% only affect my monthly settlement of $2-3k.
This investiment is certainly not for the profit, I just want to try the whole process once. Although I welcome if there is any, Hahaha...
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