Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
24-2-2008 讀報 (Week 8)
9:27 AM
Yesterday nite is the annual dinner of my company in Shenzhen, like last time, have many drinks.
Something happened, I need to remember that moment.
My next finished book would be the 200th since 2005...What would it be? Let's see...
New: (11-14th in 2008, 302th since 2005) - I smell blood in my wallet!
Confessions of a Wall Street Shoeshine Boy: A Novel
Doug Stumpf / Publisher: HarperCollins (July 3, 2007) /
Financial Shenanigans: How to Detect Accounting Gimmicks & Fraud in Financial Reports, Second Edition
Howard M. Schilit / Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 2 edition (March 1, 2002)
How to Save the World in Your Spare Time
Elizabeth E May / Publisher: Key Porter Books; 1 edition (April 20 2006)
The Machine That Changed the World : The Story of Lean Production
James P. Womack / Publisher: Harper Perennial; Reprint edition (November 1991)
專訪李開復:從科技精英到Google高管 2008-02-24 亞洲週刊 P50, 資訊科技, 藍慧
矽谷手記:「23與我」基因服務勢成主流 2008-02-24 蘋果日報 B04, 金錢要理, 矽谷手記, 阿股
哪一種公眾人物?誰的公眾利益? 2008-02-24 明報 A16, 港聞, 筆陣, 梁文道
泰國新政府是港產政府 2008-02-24 亞洲週刊 P38, 亞洲焦點, 劉振廷
傳陳思慧婚禮取消 Edison冇啖好食陳見飛心痛落淚 2008-02-24 太陽報 C02, 本地娛樂, 專案組 ←What will you do if you are Candace's fiance?
葬身書山的人 2008-02-24 明報 P17, 世紀人文·關懷·視野, 曙光圖書, 馬國明
喧囂城市裏的孤獨 2008-02-24 蘋果日報 E06, 名采論壇, 牛棚讀書記, 梁文道(牛棚書院院長)
想我們在青文的時光 2008-02-24 明報 P15, 時代, 七齣好戲, 塵翎
青文同學會 2008-02-24 明報 P16, 世紀人文·關懷·視野, 明刀明槍, 關仁
One2Free 率先推Xanga Mobile服務 2008-02-24 文匯報 B04, 工商資訊
The Rich Man's Michael Moore --- Why an Heir Continues to Document -- and Anger -- the Wealthy 23 February 2008, The Wall Street Journal, W1, WEEKEND JOURNAL, By Robert Frank
One Store's Old Food Is Others' Bread and Butter 22 February 2008, The Wall Street Journal, B1, By David Kesmodel
The Heparin Trail: China's Role In Supply Of Drug Is Under Fire 21 February 2008, The Wall Street Journal, A1, By Gordon Fairclough and Thomas M. Burton
Wal-Mart - Always low prices Feb 21st 2008, The Economist
Economics - How to get a lover and win at poker (The Logic of Life) Feb 21st 2008, The Economist
Poverty - Yogurt or cucumber? Feb 21st 2008, The Economist
If the affair happens during our relationship, I will ditch her right in that moment.
There should not be any reasonable cause for having such intimate relationship with another man right?
I am just wondering how Juno's feel like, as you know Gil is picking up on this born-rich guy.
It's like a hatch for Gil, if marriage and then devoice happens, she will share at least half of the total assets as maintenance fee.