Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Saturday, March 01, 2008
25/1-2/3-2008 讀報 (Week 9)
10:12 AM
When OVERLOAD becomes a norm...cheer up boy!
Can you think of any jobs in the world, at which OVERLOAD is prevented, at the same time provide full of JOY & EXCITMENT? I have a recommendation: BLOW JOB! (Sorry my friends, I insist not to change my salty way of expressions, ha)
New: (15/16th in 2008, 304th since 2005) / Used over HK$1200 this month!
海峽兩岸經濟發展 ─ 挑戰與機遇
出版: 商務印書館 / 出版日期: 2008/01/30
中國女工 ── 新興打工階級的呼喚
潘毅 / mingpao
I have start the 1st charter, but discovered I don't quite understand what the authur want to convey... When buying, I just thought it would be something interesting like My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student, the fact is on the contrary.
Finished: (11/12th in 2008, 201th in total since 2005)
The End of Poverty: How We Can Make It Happen in Our Lifetime
Jeffrey Sachs / Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd (7 April 2005) / More than 1 month
How to Save the World in Your Spare Time
Elizabeth E May / Publisher: Key Porter Books; 1 edition (April 20 2006) / 7 days
社會企業家 2008-03-01 讀者文摘 - 中文版 P57, 特稿, 劉麗華
鵝頸橋底心理醫生 驚蟄吉日宜打小人 2008-03-01 信報財經新聞 P27, 理性消費, 陳以圓
從「三師」 到「三商」香港哪一行業最發達? 2008-03-01 文匯報 C02, 副刊采風, 百家廊, 錢樹良
能量飲料毒性知多少? 2008-03-01 讀者文摘 - 中文版 P67, 特稿
新地風波「橋王」幕後操盤 2008-03-01 信報財經新聞 P03, 股市.房產, 特稿
一夜蒸發一間電盈 2008-02-28 蘋果日報 B19, 財經要聞, 案內人隨筆, 尹思哲
五十九歲的覺悟 2008-02-28 壹週刊 A142, 專欄, 事實與偏見, 黎智英
走 光 2008-02-28 信報財經新聞 P46, 文化, 我私故我在, 陳雲
樂團揭平壤面紗「像50年前的蘇聯」 2008-02-27 蘋果日報 A27, 環球焦點
KY大辭典 2008-02-25 信報財經新聞 P48, 另類, 文字力量, 健吾
南非學生騙黑人飲尿掀怒潮 2008-02-29 信報財經新聞 P20, 國際時事
haha, English book is more expansive. try Chinese~ i only spend 500~
i knew that lady professor~ she is quite good. i mean.. in her profession.
for a job that never overload and full of joy and excitement....
Hollywood special effect-or??