Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
11/18-5-2008 讀報 (Week 20)
8:46 AM
矽谷手記:矽谷在職媽媽不易為 2008-05-18 蘋果日報 B06, 金錢要理, 矽谷手記, 文宇
日企在華高價挖人才大學生選收入高行業 日英齊鬧工程師荒 2008-05-18 文匯報 A18, 國際新聞
劉志榮病逝終年56歲 2008-05-18 東方日報 A22, 港聞
七十三歲李敖的永遠十七歲 2008-05-18 亞洲週刊 P52, 書與人, 童清峰
健吾知日 2008-05-14 星島日報 F03, 家長版, 閱讀解碼
商品牛市的兩齣戲 2008-05-14 信報財經新聞 P41, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
林夕的偶像 2008-05-15 壹週刊 A022, 時事, 坦白講
Useful design could be as simple as this: Magnetic Finger. It should be a god-made for clumsy mechanician.
Thanks Tim, I laugh out once I saw this. I am very interested in fixing cars and boats, how come I could not think of this?
Hi, nice to meet you!
You and I have the same name~