Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

19/24-5-2008 讀報 (Week 21)

9:37 AM

New: (31th in 2008, 319th since 2005)
The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
Nassim Nicholas Taleb / Publisher: Random House (April 17, 2007)

黎堅惠的閱讀大觀園 2008-05-24 明報 D04, 世紀人文·關懷·視野, 世紀.閱讀解碼, 鄭秀慧
古今遊戲潮流知多少? 2008-05-24 遊戲周刊 P10, 本週主役
中大生月薪小勝港大平均17120 元創10 年新高 2008-05-23 明報 A14, 教育
地產巨頭 親授炒樓秘笈 2008-05-23 文匯報 B07, 香港新盤巡禮
富豪兄弟 創業、拆夥 啟示錄 2008-05-23 香港經濟日報 A41, 行政人員, Watcher, 梁朗燕
大學生喪蒲搵錢實錄 2008-05-22 壹週刊 A058, 時事, 新聞耳目
奪寶奇兵陳鎮洪 2008-05-22 壹週刊 A106-107, 財經, 大錢題

Funny: Typo hunt across America

Jeff Deck(an english teacher), and his friends at the Typo Eradication Advancement League (Teal), are spending three months driving from San Francisco, California, to Somerville, Massachusetts, on a mission to correct every misspelled, poorly punctuated, sloppily phrased item of signage they encounter en route.

Here is an example:

It is the difference between pipe dreamer and go-getter - passion and rationale.

People with great passion think of an idea and act, no matter how silly other think. The passion is not come from void, it is based on a firm and logical rationale, backed with a great confidence.


Yes, you are right, I think it is also the culture difference between western and HK.

Teenagers like those in golden forum only have the nerves to say, but no action.

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