Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

19/25-5-2008 讀報 (Week 21)

8:31 AM

10歲發明家鬼馬垃圾桶申請專利 2008-05-25 蘋果日報 E10, 開心小蘋果
航空公司 慳油奇招百出 飛機「除衫」磨漆減重量 加裝「小翼」降阻力 2008-05-25 文匯報 A10, 油魔襲擊
Google對手終於誕生? 2008-05-25 蘋果日報 B07, 金錢要理, 矽谷手記, 魯笨
大米製意粉抗小麥漲價 2008-05-25 東方日報 A24, 國際
港大三女生成立交換網以物易物另類消費模式 2008-05-25 蘋果日報 A16, 消費
皇帝.新衣 2008-05-23 信報財經新聞 P37, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林
再論龜兔 2008-05-21 信報財經新聞 P40, 理財投資, 時勢微觀, 畢老林

Beautiful & useful infographic, showing relative gas price in temperature map:

Via Gasbuddy

The independent front page also has a great infograph:


The front page of "The Independent" is really great!!!!

How come you would notice that?! Do you browse through their websites everyday?

Hi lscpeterman,

I wish I could have the time to browse through everyday.

I just come across in other websites.

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