Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
26/31-5-2008 讀報 (Week 22)
9:58 AM
New: (33th in 2008, 321th since 2005)
Capital Ideas Evolving
Peter L. Bernstein / Publisher: Wiley; 2Rev Ed edition (May 4, 2007)
Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk
Peter L. Bernstein / Publisher: Wiley; New Ed edition (August 31, 1998)
Microtrends: The Small Forces Behind Tomorrow's Big Changes
Mark Penn, E. Kinney Zalesne / Publisher: Twelve (September 5, 2007)
Finished: (24th in 2008, 213th in total since 2005)
The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
Nassim Nicholas Taleb / Publisher: Random House (April 17, 2007) / 7 days
起薪點創10 年新高大學畢業生成上車盤生力軍 2008-05-31 明報 B11, 地產, 陳天賜
佳士得春季拍賣 成交額新高 2008-05-31 香港經濟日報 A08, 新聞特寫
善德英中 重學生誠信及責任心 2008-05-26 文匯報 A20, 文匯教育, 名校逐個數
陸東:告別分析員生涯之後…… 2008-05-26 信報財經新聞 P06, 股市動態, 專訪, 吳賢軍
亞視「自殘」狠招 2008-05-31 香港經濟日報 C11, 世事, 世事——關人馬事, 活力先生
How to Find New Books to Read May 26, 2008, Ben Casnocha
Emotional design: Juicy Salif
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