Rule of thumb:
Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!
Friday, May 09, 2008
5/10-5-2008 讀報 (Week 19)
9:52 AM
New: (27th in 2008, 315th since 2005)
Myself and Other More Important Matters
Charles B. Handy / Publisher: AMACOM/American Management Association (February 28, 2008)
Everything Bad is Good for You
Steven Johnson / Publisher: Riverhead Trade (May 2, 2006)
The MouseDriver Chronicles
John Lusk, Kyle Harrison / Publisher: Perseus Books Group; 1st edition (January 8, 2002)
創業風向袋 2008-05-10 信報財經新聞 P34, 特稿, 周雁鳴
交稅6500萬 做一日相當萬元月薪打工仔9年新打工皇帝 日收109萬 2008-05-10 文匯報 A03, 重要新聞
疑兇聲稱吸毒後殺人 2008-05-10 明報 A02, 要聞, 凌遲肢解案
筆論天下:創意報業 2008-05-09 蘋果日報 B17, 財經要聞, 筆論天下, 陸日勤
Low-Tech特技炮製的喜劇低清老翻王 2008-05-07 電腦科技 P90, leisure MOVIE
性玩具marketing:「我要引性入社區!」 2008-05-07 FACE 週刊 TE024-28, 青雲路, 青雲路
八方人物:殺死方卓如 2008-05-07 蘋果日報 A17, 專欄專論, 八方人物
Funny - Flogos: Floating soap logos with Helium gases:
via Wired