Rule of thumb:

Tim, pls find time to read Great ideas!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

14/20-7-2008 讀報 (Week 29)

8:48 AM

New: (38/39th in 2008, 327th since 2005)
Changing Minds: The Art And Science of Changing Our Own And Other People's Minds
Publisher: Harvard Business School Press; 1 edition (September 30, 2006)
1000 Extra/Ordinary Objects (Hardcover)
Carlos Mustienes (Editor), Isabelle Baraton (Editor), Oliviero Toscani (Author) / Publisher: Taschen (October 2000)

Finished: (26th in 2008, 215th in total since 2005)
The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It
Michael E. Gerber / Publisher: HarperCollins (March 3, 1995) / 7 days

I am starting to buy multiple copies of book with the same title... Am I having dementia?

健吾: 瞄準日本文化 2008-07-20 明報 P16,P17, 世紀人文·關懷·視野, Xtra.對談平台, 余凱婷
嚴選!本地新書12強! 2008-07-20 明報 P30, 讀書
「無釘」釘書機實用贏單 2008-07-19 香港經濟日報 A10, 工貿, 戴泳枝
性書殺入書展挑戰尺度新舊200潮語集玩盡高官 2008-07-19 蘋果日報 A15, 消費
剖析香港醫生人力資源供求 2008-07-19 信報財經新聞 P06, 時事評論, 吳歷山
華爾街華人大亨蔡至勇含恨以終 2008-07-18 信報財經新聞 P12, 時事評論, 林行止專欄, 林行止
香港作為一種風格劉細良的「紐倫港」大夢 2008-07-18 明報 D06, 世紀, 劉細良
無業青年徵三級片女角騙財騙色 2008-07-18 明報 A04, 港聞
中年再出發 2008-07-14 信報財經新聞 P08, 時事評論, 兩地一檢  , 崔少明
糞便大電影 2008-07-17 壹週刊 B070-076, 娛樂名人, 中期業績
Business Books to Pack For Quick Read on Beach 27 June, 2008, WJS, IN THE LEAD, CAROL HYMOWITZ


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